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Nov 05, 2006 04:17 AM
by carlosaveline


It is but fun, for me, to be here at Theos-talk.  
It has been a relaxing experience, thanks. 

As to sowing dissent, this is quite different from dicussing real issues.

For instance: there is a great  amount of Maya, illusion,  in the movement, which comes from the CWL/AB period in Adyar, and the Adyar TS even today has some 90 per cent of the movement (in outer quantity).  That wall of illusions is slowly coming down as time passes.  

On the other hand, there is a variety of minor issues & gossips which do not help us build a better movement or  live the philosophy of Theosophy. 

There has been even a number of pure slanders against HPB circulating recently,  in an attempt to discredit her, in order not to let CWL and his ideas be seen as they are. 

There are only two main visions of the movement:  CWL's and HPB's; the ritualistic vision and the philosophic vision. 

This is the major issue at stake as to the vitality of the movement in the 21st century.  



Data:Sat, 04 Nov 2006 16:51:35 -0000

Assunto:Theos-World Sowing Dissent?

> Carlos sometimes seems quite anxious to convey to
> readers that I am trying to sow dissent by bringing
> up various issues.
> But I ask:
> Was Margaret Thomas "sowing dissent" when she issued
> "Theosophy Or NeoTheosophy? which is now reprinted at:
> "
> I'm sure many Adyar TS members have considered that
> that was her intent. 
> Was H.N. Stokes trying to "sow dissent" when he wrote
> and published the material about Judge, Tingley and Crosbie
> which can be found at the link below?
> "William Q. Judge and Katherine A. Tingley: An Analysis of the 
> Controversy Surrounding W.Q. Judge's Diary Entries about "Promise" 
> and the Dead H.P.B. including Material on the Close Relationship 
> between Mr. Judge and Mrs. Tingley"
> I'm sure some ULT students may believe that Stokes was trying to "sow 
> dissent."
> Was Nicholas Weeks trying to also sow more dissent by
> publishing the following critique of Alice Bailey:
> "Theosophy's Shadow: A Critical Look at the Claims and Teachings of 
> Alice A. Bailey"
> And I could give dozens of other examples but I think the above will 
> suffice.
> Were the above writers trying to sow dissent, were they trying to 
> emphasize the negative and critical, were they trying to somehow 
> undermine the establishment and practice of a "universal brotherhood"?
> Am I guilty of "sowing dissent", etc. because I have reprinted all of 
> the material at ??
> Reading any of the material above may not be all that pleasant a task 
> but does the above texts bring to light important information that 
> might otherwise not be known or readily available?
> All I can say is that when I first read the items cited above, I was 
> thankful that I was fortunate enough to run into this material. In 
> other words, the above items presented information, facts, and 
> observations that I might not otherwise have known about. And the 
> above material certainly put into a different perspective various 
> other writings emanating from Adyar, the ULT and the Arcane School.
> Certainly it would be advisable if Theosophists of all schools or no 
> school would cooperate more and try to practice "universal 
> brotherhood". And certainly one should not forget the positive 
> contributions to Theosophy that all Theosophical groups have made. 
> But at the same time can Theosophists who usually claim they are 
> truthseekers afford to ignore and even allow the propagation 
> of "misleading mayaic ideations" and misinformation?? 
> I believe that the 3 publications by Thomas, Stokes and Weeks help to 
> dispel some of those "ideations" and correct certain "misinformation".
> In my postings and on my website I try to present information - 
> historical, doctrinal or otherwise - as well as a wide array of 
> Theosophical documents in the hope that at least some students of 
> Blavatsky and Theosophy and especially inquirers and new students 
> will find this information and material helpful as they try to gain a 
> greater understanding of Blavatsky, Theosophy and related subjects.
> I am also gladden by the fact that in the last 30 days there have 
> been visitors to my website from 88 countries around the world. many 
> of these visitors come to my site from time to time. Apparently 
> there is worldwide Blavatsky, Theosophy and the 
> various materials on my site.
> Daniel
> Blavatsky Study Center
> Yahoo! Groups Links
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