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Nov 22, 2006 01:00 PM
by carlosaveline

We all know how important it is, from the theosophical viewpoint, to understand  as correctly as  we can  the universe and  especially  our own solar system.  This effort has a practical importance. 

The reason for this is that, as H. P. Blavatsky says in ?The Secret Doctrine? [The Theosophy Co. Edition,  p. 17],  there is a ?fundamental identity of all souls with the Universal Over-Soul?.   It is because of this identity between microcosm  and macrocosm,  according to H.P.B., that the hindus say that Brahma, the Universe, is present  in each one of its atoms. 
We ourselves are microcosmic versions of the universe as a whole. Looking at the solar system, the student of esoteric philosophy vaguely discerns a wider picture of his own  soul. (1)   
Having reminded ourselves of the need for as much accuracy as we can in our vision of the solar system and the universe, let?s see now  what are the  revelations Charles Leadbeater  can make to us about  the planet Mercury.  These bits of information could shake the very foundations of NASA?s research programs on our solar system. 
C.W. L., the Adyar clairvoyant  who announced  the Second Coming  of Lord Christ and the end of all wars  during  the 20th century,  made this  impressive report on the planet Mercury: 
?Of our future home, Mercury, we know much less than of  Mars, for visits to it have been hurried and infrequent. Many people would think it incredible that life such as ours could exist on Mercury, with a sun that appears at least seven times as large as it does here.  The heat, however, is not at all so intense as it would be supposed.  I am informed that this is due to the presence of a layer of gas on the outskirts of the Mercurian atmosphere, which prevents most of the heat  from penetrating.  We are told also that the most destructive of all possible storms on Mercury is one which  even for a moment disturbs the stability of this gaseous envelope.  When that happens a kind of whirl-pool is set up in it, and for a moment a shaft of direct sunlight comes from the sun through its vortex.  Such a  shaft instantly destroys whatever life comes in its way, and burns up in a moment everything combustible. Fortunately such storms are rare.  The inhabitants whom I have seen there are much like ourselves, though again somewhat smaller.?
So if Theos-talkers  are planning to spend vacations on Mercury any time soon,  they  might want to take their umblrellas with them  because of the dangerous sunlight.  As to  Mercurians,  bishop Leadbeater kindly reveals that they enjoy jumping into their houses, besides being all clairvoyant: 
?The influence of gravity both on Mars and Mercury is less than half what it is on earth, but while on Mars I did not notice any particular way in which advantage had been taken of this,  I observed on Mercury that  the doors of houses were quite a considerable height from the ground, needing what for us would be a respectable gymnastic feat to reach them,  though on Mercury it is only a slight spring that is required.  All the inhabitants of that planet are from birth possessed of etheric sight;  I remember that the fact was first brought to my notice by observing  a child who was watching at the movements of some crawling creature; and I saw that when it entered its abode he was still able to follow its movements,  even when it was deep down under the ground.? (2) 
Illusions about other planets and the universe feed illusions about oneself.   Not only the  truth, but also maya and wishful thinking  are both macrocosmic and microcosmic, at all times.  That?s why discernment is so important for real knowledge.  
Regards,  Carlos.  
(1) Page 105 of  ?The Secret Doctrine?  [The Theosophy Co.]   elaborates on this crucial micro-macro relationship. 
(2) Some bibliographical commentaries.  This quotation comes from the book ?Inner Life?, by C. W. Leadbeater, Section Ten. Published  by the magazine ?Theosophical History?, London, January 1988, see page 148 for the sentences quoted above.  I also have the same text in the Spanish edition of ?Inner Life?, by CWL,  published in Buenos Aires by Editorial Glem. A Brazilian edition of the book ?The Solar System?,  by Mr. Arthur Powell ?  a follower of C.W.L.?s  ? can still be bought in Brazil with this description of physical life on Mercury.  Another author and leading Adyar clairvoyant, Mr. Geoffrey Hodson,  followed the same track at least up to the 1950s. Yet in later years the USA TPH editions of the book ?Inner Life?, by C.W.L., have silently eliminated this description,  as well as the longer and  astonishing description of physical life on Mars. 

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