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Theosophical Blog on Bugs

Nov 27, 2006 09:39 AM
by Mark Jaqua

Theosophical Blog on Bugs

     A guy I used to know called invisible presences 
mentioned in Theosophy (elementals, bhuts, pisachas, 
elementaries, etc.) "Bugs," and I think this is a
pretty good name - as in "bugs" in your computer
system, or in a design, or that someone has gone
"buggy."  I think he got most of his basic ideas from
Theosophy, and then worked them out himself.

    A week or two ago, Dan made some comment about 
"well, _if_ elementals are involved in that (sex)..." 
 'And I thought  "Jeezus! - if he doesn't even know
that and he's trying to be an authority on ES
groups...."  Its a complete basic in occult
psychology.  The Blavatsky Collected Writings Index
probably has a thousand references to Elemental,
bhuts, pisachas, spirits, etc.  Elementals and other
presences are involved in Everything!  Every thought
you have is an elemental or involved with one.  We
live in a sea of invisible creatures.  All we are is
elementals, it only matters if they are "your own" or
not, in tune with your own basic nature, and the
design of Nature around you which has been developed
over billions of years.

        Ever meet a woman briefly you find attactive,
(or vice-versa) and you can't get them out of your
head?  You keep thinking about them all day long
(which might be a good thing or a bad thing.)  That's
an elemental.  An elemental left the person and
attached itself to you.

          I said something to a guy who was into
psychology about "demons" being involved in things -
and he said "That's medieval, how can you believe in
that medieival stuff!  Absurd!"  The truth is that who
is stupid are the psychologists, as they cannot admit
the existence of anything they can't see.  In a world
as complex as this how can anyone deny the possible
existence of non-physical realms?  Thoughts are the
most immediate experience we have.  You can't even
know a physical object exists without the thought
about it.  And yet thoughts are a non-physical thing.
You can never put a thought on a table and dissect it.

     The way you learn about this stuff is through
basic clues - like in Blavatsky - and then practice
self-observation, "Know Thyself."   Psychological
originate basically from two directions - one, where
are out of tune with your own nature, and damaged in
way, and two, exacerbation from without, elementals, a

bhut, or whatever prodding the psychological wounds so
to speak.  You can get "damaged" from psychological
physically from subtle damage from drugs, or morally,
committing acts outside the Nature's basic design.
might apply to degree to sex, but also people who do
such things as commit a murder.  I read one case,
a such a person was always reacted to by animals

         Bhuts are according to the "Theosophical
"Ghosts, phantoms.  To call them 'demons,' as do the 
Orientalists, is incorrect...."   Pisachas are
described as:  
"..... in the sourthern India folk-lore, ghosts,
demons, larvae, 
and vampires - generaly female - who haunt men. 
remnants of human beings in _Kamaloka_ as shells and 
Elementaries."  All the episodes in the popular TV
"Medium," are about such things.  But they are
"shells" without 
their higher spiritual parts.  I think in the MLs is
said that 
suicides, and maybe some other types of young deaths 
have their higher principles paralyzed, and such
generally are what's left over after the higher
have departed.  When the death is innocent, the victim

probably just goes asleep until his time is up.

       Probably a minority of young violent deaths
into bhuts,  or earth-walkers.  They don't know they 
are dead and are still full of the coarse and maybe 
violent vitality they had when alive.  The ones who 
died and were pretty much soul-less when they were 
still alive, the worst of the bunch.  Street gangs, 
juvenile delinquents, among all other social problems,

get obsessed and motivated by these types of things, 
thus all the mind-less crimes and rage.  Did you ever 
notice how much some gang-graffitti and "signs" 
resembles the demon-sigils of the middle ages?   Some 
of these things are so coarse that they come close to 
being physical and can cause physical manifestations, 
steal things, etc., I think.  They are attracted to
ever minds pay attention to them in the state of hate
rage they probably died it.  To avoid them, you
just have to ignore them.

        What theosophists generally vaguely call
I think are usually "elementaries," described in part
Theosophical Glossary as:  "...the disembodied _souls_

of the deparaved;  these souls having at some time
to death separated from themselves their divine
and so lost their chance for immortality.... Once
from their higher triads and their bodies, these souls

remain in their _Kama-rupic_ envelopes, and are 
irresistibly drawn to the earth amid elements
to their gross natures.  Their stay in the Kama Loka 
varies as to its duration;  but ends invariably in 


     In other words, some nasty sob, who was only 
after his own selfish ends - money, power, whatever - 
often in the "respectable" portions of humanity - who 
built up a good deal of power, perhaps, and then
of this momentum, hangs around in the after-death
preying on people, still being possibly a good deal 
self-conscious in what it is doing.  If the person
died at 
a young age from violence, it could be all the more 
a strong individuality yet on the other side, in that
it might 
be self-conscious, perhaps seeing that it can affect 
person's minds.  I know a case like this, I think.  A
about 40 was shot by his wife,  by accounts likely
general torture and maybe violence toward her, I'm 
guessing.  Ever since that time the family involved 
seems to have been under a curse, with murder and 
suicide, etc.  It could be that an elementary like
grows on its effectiveness in influencing people, and 
grows into a "power" in the whole local area. 

       In rural areas, local farms sometimes are
communities in themselves.  Individual farmers can 
build up a mini-empire of acreage, buildings, multiple

farms, etc.  Some of these guys were mean sobs 
who built up their mini-empires however they could, 
and hang around as a spook after death.  I worked at 
several where unexplainable things happen - tools 
disappear, weird accidents, machinery breaking down, 
sudden gusts of wind and door slamming, etc.  Once 
I was painting the side of a building.  It was Fall
autumn leaves, and I watched as a gust of wind
up a big bunch of leaves from a tree, kept them
in a bunch for a 100 or 150 feet, seemingly against
wind, and then splashed them down all together on my 
wet paint.

          Then there are gods that make appearances
or travel through an area.  I was working on a
project once, which was a big stress.  I just
finished, and 
a peal of thunder sounded out.  Ha  It was fall, and
hadn't been another for probably months.   One day I 
felt in an unusually elevated state, blissful and on a
I thought was some minor mystic experience.  I went
the office supply store to get something, and was
to a clerk.  Another clerk came up and said out of the
"You know I have felt uncommonly good for about 20
I don't think I have ever felt this good in my life!" 
Here I 
thought it was something individual, when actually a
must have just been passing through the area!

        - jake j.

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