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The origin of ULT?

Nov 27, 2006 08:47 PM
by Carl Ek

The origin of ULT?

Yesterday I fund this on Wikipedia:

"In 1906 or 1907 the Theosophical Society in America (Hargrove) gave 
Robert Crosbie a deed of foundation to found a lodge in Los Angeles. 
Hargrove can thus be seen as an obstetrician to the United Lodge of 


Have anyone here any information concerning this? If it's right or 
not, I do not know, but if it is correct this could very well 
explain way the ULT in their two "history" books is very negative 
about Mr. Hargrove and this work. So there must have been a conflict 
between Crosbie and Hargrove them somewhere around 1908, if this is 
true. The reason for that Crosbie left Lomaland was contra 
production, and it would not surprise me if this was the later 
reason to.

Two talking examples of how the ULT-people wrote about Mr. Hargrove 

"BEFORE PASSING to other phases of twentieth-century Theosophical 
history, some attention should be given to the general aftermath of 
the Tingley succession. The claims for Mrs. Tingley's high status 
rested, as we have seen, upon alleged "written instructions" from 
Mr. Judge and upon "psychic" impressions or communications received 
by the eight prominent members, headed by E. T. Hargrove, who 
arranged and participated in the E.S.T. meeting in New York of March 
29, 1896. Of these eight, Hargrove was the first to reverse himself 
and to repudiate Mrs. Tingley as Judge's successor. In his E.S. 
pamphlet of May 17, 1896, "An Occultist's Life," he had by 
implication elevated Mrs. Tingley above even H.P.B. and Judge in 
respect to her "training and preparation." He was, he 
explains, "directed" to make these statements concerning Mrs. 
Tingley. But two years later he is again "directed," this time to 
reject Mrs. Tingley and to "expose" her. His authority in both cases 
was "the Master."

(The Theosophical Movement 1875-1950, chapter XIX, p. 279)

Isn't this strange? The ULT-"historians" are attacking and 
criticising Mr. Hargrove for exactly the same thing as Mr. Crosbie 
did, namely first following K.T. (and publicly announced her as 
the "Agent of the Master"), and later founded a new society (the ULT 
is a society, what ever they may claming), and claming that 
the "authority in both cases was "the Master."


"That Mr. Hargrove, as well as Mrs. Tingley, had "high and rare 
mediumistic and psychic gifts" is indicated throughout his letters, 
for he tells Mrs. Tingley: "It is by Master's order that I write 
you"; "by order of the Master you have ceased to be the Outer Head 
of the E.S.T. in the interior and true sense"; "The Outer Head to 
follow you has already been appointed by the Master." The 
circulation of Mr. Hargrove's pamphlet, the legal proceedings begun 
by him and his associates to test the validity of the action of the 
Chicago Convention, and the revival of the old Theosophical Forum; 
with its first number dated February, 1898, containing an account of 
the Chicago proceedings and the efforts of the "bolters" to continue 
on the old lines - all these were met by vigorous efforts on the 
part of the pro-Tingley majority. By the middle of April the first 
number of The Searchlight; to which we have referred, was out with 
forty large pages of fine print in an endeavor to counteract the 
feared effects of the Hargrove revelations. The combined matter of 
both sides, when sifted and related to the proceedings made public 
immediately after the death of Mr. Judge in the circulars of March 
29 and April 3, 1896, establishes beyond all question that Mrs. 
Tingley's "successorship" was due, and due only, to the "messages" 
obtained by virtue of the "high and rare mediumistic and psychic 
gifts" of Mrs. Tingley, Mr. Hargrove, Mr. Wright, and others -
 "messages" from "Masters," from the dead H.P.B. and the dead W.Q. 
Judge - not to any "appointment" made by the living William Q. Judge 
in his own physical handwriting."

(The Theosophical Movement 1875-1925, pp 680-681)

And again they are attacking and criticising Mr. Hargrove (and 
others) for exactly the same thing as Mr. Crosbie did, namely 
claiming to have contact with "the dead H.P.B. and the dead W.Q. 
Judge", and to have received "messages" from "Masters". So, was then 
Mr. Crosbie a Medium too? As one can see here, he must have been! If 
not, Mr. Crosbie laid. 


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