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Re: Theos-World "sowing dissension....instilling doubt" ????

Dec 03, 2006 09:55 AM
by adelasie

Hi Daniel,

You bring up an important point, IMHO. Is it not the responsibility 
of every student, every seeker after Truth, to decide for him/her 
self whether his or her efforts are dedicated to advancing the 
consciousness of Unity, or are dedicated to furthering the cause of 
separation? A sincere inner inquiry will bring forth an answer, and 
the student can proceed according to what he or she discovers. Is 
this not the process by which we evolve in consciousness, in self-
responsibility? It seems fairly clear that others do not have the 
right to declare whether a student is working for the cause or not. 
In any case, we each might possibly have enough to do to tend our own 
garden, without worrying about the weeds in another's garden. In 
fact, in the interest of advancing the cause we all espouse, perhaps 
the best thing we can say about each other is that everyone is doing 
the best he or she can do and leave it at that.


On 3 Dec 2006 at 16:29, danielhcaldwell wrote:

> "sowing dissension....instilling doubt"??
> So when Mr. Aveline writes what he does 
> about the Adyar TS and C.W. Leadbeater, is
> he "sowing dissension....instilling doubt"??
> When I write about Leadbeater or Tingley or
> Crosbie or other subjects, am I "sowing dissension....
> instilling doubt"??
> I cannot speak for Mr. Aveline but for myself
> I think of my work as providing NEEDED INFORMATION
> and MATERIAL to inquirers and students.  What they do with it
> is up to each of them.
> I hope it would be at least FOOD FOR THOUGHT.
> I am guided by the following statements made by
> H.P. Blavatsky:
> "...none but the logician, the investigator, the dauntless
> explorer should meddle with books like this. Such delvers
> after truth have the courage of their opinions."
> "...Contrast alone can enable us to appreciate things at
> their right value; and unless a judge compares notes and
> hears both sides he can hardly come to a correct decision."
> " the world mental as in the world spiritual each man
> must progress by his own efforts. The writer cannot do the
> reader's thinking for him, nor would the latter be any the
> better off if such vicarious thought were possible..."
> In all the years I have been doing my work, the vast majority
> of inquirers, readers and students who have written and
> coresponded with me have expressed their appreciation for what
> I have done.  It is only a small minority of partisan students
> and writers who have ever objected to my work.
> Daniel


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