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The Search For Happiness

Dec 04, 2006 01:45 PM
by cardosoaveline


"Is there" --  asks an article in the magazine 'The Theosophical 
Movement' -- "is there anyone in this world who does not desire to 
be happy?"

And it goes on:

"All of us are in search of happiness. But happiness ever eludes us. 
When we look around can we say life is an unalloyed bliss? Most of 
us are always dissatisfied with ourselves and with others. When our 
desires are not fulfilled we are unhappy. We blame our parents, 
circumstances, etc. Some of us even try to change our circumstances. 
We think money will bring us happiness. Is the rich man happy? He 
ever tries to conceal his income and is all the time worried about 
tax-raid. A rich man, who is not interested in making more money, 
wants status, fame, name, position and power and that, too, leaves 
him unhappy. Right from childhood we have been taught to be selfish, 
competitive and therefore ambitious—study well, get a good job with 
good income, etc."

Read the rest of this stimulating article at

Regards,   Carlos. 

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