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Re: Theos-World Krishnamurti Lord "Christ"?

Dec 04, 2006 04:36 PM
by Cass Silva

carlosaveline <> wrote:                                  Dear JB,
 Besides all the facts I brought to you and you did not deny, as you know, Krishnamurti was not a Theosophist. He is entitled to ignore Karma Law, discipleship, Reincarnation, and so on, of course.  Besides,  he was not an Avatar, as that was a 'production' made be Leadbeater. I wonder why Krishnamurti never said he was not Lord Christ. He should have done so... in order to be more honest and sincere, shouldn't he?    
Cass:  Krishnamurti was a Theosophist as are many others, eg Hazrat Inayat Khan.  What makes a Theosophist is one who relays the ancient wisdom.   Jesus (by the way was he a Theosophist?) when he said, turn the other cheek, perhaps was implying that when Karma comes along accept it graciously and without prejudice?  Discipleship is not strictly limited to Theosophy.  K never claimed to be an Avatar (Annie Besant and Leadbeater did-not him).  I imagine that he never said he was Lord Christ, because he knew he wasn't (more wishful thinking of Besant and Leadbeater).
I believe he was more honest and sincere by denouncing Theosophy as he then found it, with Besant and Leadbeater running the show.


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