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Dec 16, 2006 04:35 AM
by Carl Ek


Since when did Geoffrey Farthing become an authority on Masonry?
That he maybe was one the writings of Blavatsky, doesn't make him a 
Masonic Scholar.


--- In, "carlosaveline" 
<carlosaveline@...> wrote:
> Dear Friends, 
> Geoffrey Farthing wrote: 
> "Some masonic members of the Theosophical Society have concluded 
that H. P. B. was herself a Mason because she received in 1877 a 
certificate of  membership of the `Ancient and Primitive Rite' 
conferring degrees and titles of the Rite of Adoption. These, 
however,  were not recognized as being Masonry by the Masonic bodies 
of France, Great Britain or America."
> And Farthing adds, in his book "The Right Angle": 
> "She wrote the words quoted above: `As far as we are concerned, 
disciples of the Masters of the Orient as we are, we have nothing to 
do with modern Masonry'.  And again, `As for ourselves – faithful 
disciples of the Orient  – we prefer instead of all the stories, one 
that has nothing to do with any of the other mummeries of masonic 
> What exactly did she mean by "mummeries of masonic degrees"? 
> For the `Webster's Unabridged' Dictionary,  a `mummery'  is  "any 
performance, ceremony, etc. regarded as absurd, false, or 
ostentatious".  A mummer is a pantomimist who often wears a mask in 
his performances.    
> As to the Old Lady, Geoffrey Farthing  concludes: 
> "There is no record of H.P.B. having been initiated into a Lodge 
or of her attending lodge meetings. She did, however, preserve 
secrecy on what went on at lodge meetings.  She further said that 
all students of the Eastern esoteric knowledege  were required to 
study the procedures of Masonry." (1) 
> That is, as long as  Blavatsky is concerned,  theosophists study 
the philosophy and wisdom of masonic tradition,  but the  
theosophical movement keeps away from ritualisms, masonic or 
> Best regards, 
> Carlos. 
> NOTE: 
> (1) "The Right Angle - Masonry", From the Writings of H.P. 
Blavatsky, compiled by G. A. Farthing, Theosophical Publishing 
House, London, in collaboration with The Blkavatsky Trust,   2003, 
84 pp., see p. 75. 
> oooooooooooooooooooooooo
> [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

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