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Re: Theos-World HPB did NOT hide the existence of the Esoteric Section from the public.....

Dec 18, 2006 04:10 PM
by Cass Silva

Spiritual arrogance.

danielhcaldwell <> wrote:                                  HPB did NOT hide the existence of the Esoteric Section from the public.
 Since HPB PUBLICLY announced the formation of the Esoteric Section, why 
 is the ULT's Dzyan Esoteric School such a SECRET???
 HPB even wrote about the ES in THE KEY TO THEOSOPHY.
 In other words, the existence of the ES was common public knowledge and 
 was no secret.  
 HPB and her Master Morya were more than willing to let the outside 
 world know about the existence of the Esoteric Section. 
 In contrast, what has motivated the ULT's DES and its secretary/members 
 to be so secretive and guarded about even the existence or non-
 existence of the Dyzan Esoteric School and its link to ULT?

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