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Re: N. Sri Ram and New Acropolis?

Dec 21, 2006 04:31 AM
by Carl Ek

Some of the material have seen and read before, hence there are not 
much too find on the web on this matter, except from NA own pages 
and those from various anti-cult groups. I have read al the 
materials under the links, as well as those you mailed me. I can't 
say that I still know, or really have any opinion about Livrage`s 
and Sri Ram's relation. Words against words. If NA is right, way are 
they not publish the letters, so every one can see and read about 
the claimed close relation (of Livrage`s and Sri Ram's). Or if Adyar 
can prove that they are right, do the same and every interested can 
see for one self that ton in the letter/letters don't indicate any 
close relation, as the NA is saying it was. Of course, this is easy 
for me too say, but this is how I think one way too solving it could 

I most say, that this question was not for I have a large interest 
in Livrage, his ideas or his organisation, but hence NA looks too be 
an growing movement, "recreating" people from the Theosophical 
Movement and is in several way "doctrinal close" too Theosophy (the 
same relation as too Anthroposophy, I believe one can say). 
Therefore I think it's important too know at lest some, and 
especially some backgrounds about the controversies.  


--- In, "Anton Rozman" <anton_rozman@...> 
> Dear Carl,
> Here are some interesting links regarding your quest:
> New Acropolis, an occult organization, accused in various 
> of ties to the extreme Right
> A Quantitative Study of Former Members of New Acropolis in France
> Story of an Emperor: Jorge Angel Livraga Rizzi Founder of New 
> Acropolis
> The Theosophical Society's Position on New Acropolis
> I am sending to you privately a copy of the Report on the 
> FROM THE THEOSOPHICAL SOCIETY OF Mr. Jorge Angel Livraga by TS in 
> Argentina and of the Report on the NA by the EFTS officer.
> It seems that as a young and active member of the TS in Argentina 
> Livraga corresponded and met with Mr. Sri Ram, but that after his 
> expulsion from the TS there was no contact any more.
> Alleged infiltration of an NA member into the Theosophical Society 
> Yugoslavia and the fact that she was allowed to give lectures and 
> take important position in one of the lodges was the main formal 
> reason for the removal of Charters of five lodges out of eight and 
> removal of Diplomas of seven top officials of the TS in Yugoslavia 
> from the part of the President of the Theosophical Society, Mrs 
> Burnier, what consequently led to the dissolution of the TS in 
> Yugoslavia. There are some indications that this NA member is now 
> working for the NA in Russia.
> Warmest regards,
> Anton
> --- In, "Carl Ek" <carl.ek@> wrote:
> >
> > I just read a short biography on the founder of New Acropolis, 
> Jorge 
> > Angel Livraga Rizzi, in which I found the following:
> > 
> > "In 1956 he founded the magazine "Estudios Teosóficos" 
> (Theosophical 
> > Studies), which was intended to make the works of H.P.Blavatsky 
> more 
> > widely known among university students, by comparing them with 
> > new scientific discoveries of the 20th century. In the following 
> > year, on the instructions of the renowned theosophist Sri Ram, 
> > took this work a step further by creating "New Acropolis", an 
> > Association intended to promote Philosophy among young people, 
> along 
> > the lines of the classical Schools of Philosophy, such as 
> > Academy and the Neoplatonic School. "We realised that humanity 
> > possessed an immense treasure of Wisdom, which had been hidden 
> > forgotten, and lay beyond the reach of young people. A Wisdom 
> > provides answers about the meaning of life and ways in which 
> > society - the world around us - can be improved", he recalled on 
> one 
> > occasion."
> > 
> > From:
> > 
> > So the origin of this organisation is an "instruction" of N. Sri 
> > Ram, they say. I have not seen this information before, so I 
> > if anyone here know something about this, and about the view of 
> > Adyar on NA, then as well as today. And is this right? Was the 
> > original idea Sri Ram's? I know that the founder was originally 
> TS 
> > Adyar member, but not that he was in some way close to Sri Ram.
> > 
> > Thanks!
> > Carl
> >

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