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Extraterrestrial influences and origins in Human DNA

Feb 06, 2007 03:56 PM
by Cass Silva

        Researcher illuminates Extraterrestrial influences and origins in Human DNA
  by Mary Mageau
                            Some researchers claim that Jesus was either an Extraterrestrial or spiritually guided by 'ethical' Extraterrestrials who sought to inspire human kind away from the self-destructive pursuit of greed, power, and oppression.
  Currently most of humanity has only two functioning strands of DNA, intertwined into a double helix. This portion of our DNA structure contains information pertaining to our biology - such as our individual features and the genetic information passed on through our family lines, eg: a paternal grandfather’s tendency toward arthritis, or a mother’s genes for musical talent. These two strands also hold the genetic codes for our physical evolution. But there is another part of our DNA structure that has to do with the spiritual component of the human being, one that science has not presently considered. If one is persuaded that the human being consists of a soul imbedded within a biological body, then it should logically follow that the genetic links within each individual would also contain spiritual information. And if this is so what has become of it?   The Manipulation of Human DNA   Diverse 'spiritual elements' embedded within Human DNA were deliberately 'turned-off' in
 our ancient history because there was a struggle to control this aspect of a human being. Very dark energy extraterrestrial forces, who were also genetic engineers, desired to keep the development of humankind firmly under their control. They achieved this through the use of genetic manipulation to produce fear and domination.   This event occurred in Atlantis, over 200,000 years ago, when the human DNA molecule was "breached". When these 'dark extraterrestrial forces' unravelled and reprogrammed our DNA, they were able to shut down and isolate many of its strands. As a result Human DNA was reduced to only a double helix.   The disconnection of our original DNA manipulation resulted in a ‘veil’ being placed between our five physical senses and our spiritual awareness. However there was a promise given from the higher realms. At some time in our future we would be allowed to develop again according to the divine blueprint of the original plan. In the meantime, humanity had
 to undergo a long and painful period of spiritual development.   Those [socially 'ethical' extraterrestrials] seeking to inspire our spiritual heritage have sent representatives to assist us to elevate our thoughts and desires, so as to grow spiritually and regain our lost abilities. These advanced souls include the prophets, Jesus Christ, Mohammed, the Buddha, Archangel Michael and many others.   The fully conscious human being has twelve strands of functional DNA. Beyond our double helix are ten additional dormant soul strands. When these are finally activated we will experience a total expansion of our consciousness and fully access our light bodies. Originally there were over 2,000 particles in our DNA that allowed these higher spiritual abilities to function. All strands are not positioned within the physical part of our biology either, as many reside on the plane inhabited by our higher mind.   Our individual souls are so much greater than what we can perceive with
 our five physical senses, because these more lofty abilities are not all found within our physical bodies. Instead they are accessed on a higher spiritual plane or vibration and not in the denser physical levels of gasses and solids.   The recoding of our DNA is happening automatically as we all begin to transition the "photon belt". Presently our solar sun steps down these powerful energies as they emanate from the centre of the universe. And like the workings of a giant clock, the planets have found the positions that allow these "higher" and "finer energies" to reach us.   On the surface of our Earth many energy vortexes and star gates are being opened by awakened humans who gather during important events: eclipses, equinoxes, solstices etc. to anchor and ground the incoming energies.   The source of this mighty and uplifting energy that is pouring downwards to us comes from “All That Is,” the Great Creator.   Activating Our "Light" Bodies   Already some individuals
 have moved beyond their double helix by working upward toward the full twelve strands that mark their next level of achievement. Many of them are assisting others to recode and activate their added DNA strands.   Individuals can also begin to help themselves to turn on the inactive aspects of their DNA in order to experience a higher state of consciousness. Adopting greater compassion and unconditional love in our daily lives begins the reclaiming of the light codes needed for our advancement. These codes cover a wide range of spiritual abilities that cluster around peace, unity, cooperation, integrity, truthfulness and cultivating a sense of beauty. Others influence our abilities toward achieving telepathy, stronger intuition, physic gifts and an immortal physical body.   The latter code will allow us, in future, to inhabit a body of light that will look youthful and beautiful and will not deteriorate or die. The light body can be regenerated so that injuries and scars
 are changed through the consciousness that controls and inhabits these bodies. When we can conceive of living in a body halfway between the physical realm and light, where it does not decay but instead becomes a shimmering mass – that is the blueprint for the immortal physical body that will come into being. This light body is the reconciliation between the soul and the dense physical body, between the physical and the spiritual. It is the fully energetic, perfect container for our evolving souls as it allows for the total use of all our spiritual skills and abilities. This light body is our true destiny.   Tools for Light Body Activation   The portal between the physical body and the realms of energy and light is the body’s endocrine or hormonal system. Through this portal, transmissions from our light bodies are mediated into physical chemical messages. These then enter the blood stream as hormones, which regulate the life force energy distribution and functioning of our
 physical bodies. Light energy from higher dimensions first enters the body at the pineal gland. This small gland located in the brain is the crucial portal for the reception of higher vibrations of light. It is shaped somewhat like a pineapple and has a lens covering its front. Our pituitary gland, or master gland, then directs the light energy to the various ductless glands of the endocrine system throughout the body.   A good way to balance the physical body and to activate the light body is to work with the breath and the energy of the thymus gland or ‘high heart.’ Within the heart charka, energy emissions are experienced in their essence as unconditional love. Because the heart charka also acts as the master chakra for the lungs, the act of breathing also serves to activate the thymus. When you breathe deeply, as in meditation, the heart energy flows smoothly to produce that sense of calm and relaxation. And when you breathe while focusing on the heart charka, you will
 flood your system with the light energy of unconditional love. The thymus is a ductless gland associated with the functioning of the heart chakra and also has much to do with telepathy. It is available to anyone that knows what it is and how to open it. It is located in the middle of the chest above the heart. To open your thymus, look at your chest area just above the heart and take several gentle, focused breaths directed at that space. You will notice that you are breathing differently than you were a few moments before.   To activate the thymus gland first remove your wrist watch, jewellery, and glasses. Hold the back straight, your head looking straight ahead and your feet flat on the floor. Place your hands on your knees, open with the palms facing down on your knees. Close your eyes. Visualize your throat centre as a high blue and spinning rapidly. Then picture your heart centre as high green spinning less quickly than your throat chakra. As they both spin a little
 faster see them expanding. Continue until they are large enough to touch one another. When they touch the spin ceases. When this happens raise the palms of your hands upward to cover these two centres of your body. It doesn’t matter which hand is which just so one is over the throat centre and one over the heart centre. Slide your hands together then flatten them together, parallel to the thymus centre. Keep them tightly together and say aloud, ‘Separate…..Spin’. Then it is done.   Finish the activation by tapping firmly on that area of the chest. It does not have to be hard, but tap until it becomes tender. Then let it rest and tap the area once again. You have opened a portal here at the thymus that will allow you to receive certain information. This portal also lets all higher entities know that you are working for the light. It is your beacon that people and other entities can identify you by. It is your ‘signature’ as this gland in your body is the one that marks you
 as an individual. Once it has been opened it identifies your auric field in the same manner as it marks your body,   There are also many different breathing practices in the yoga tradition and these are collectively referred to as pranayama. Prana is the vital life force that animates each living cell in our bodies. The yoga tradition states that when prana flows unimpeded, the body radiates health and the mind remains sound. Conversely when prana is blocked, the result can lead to sickness, disease and depression. Pranayama will aid one in returning balance to the body, clarity to the mind and will help to relieve stress.   Nadi Sudi – Alternate Nostril Breathing   Take in a deep gentle breath, close your right nostril with your thumb or index finger, pause briefly then exhale slowly through the left nostril. Inhale through the left nostril, close it with your finger, pause for a moment, open your right nostril and then exhale through the right nostril. Inhale right,
 switch then exhale left. The pattern is to exhale, inhale then switch nostrils. Nadi Sudi calms the nervous system, balances the creative and logical aspects of the mind and is a short and simple breathing technique to use for stress relief.   Now you can understand why it is so important to assist your body in this transition as it re-wires and activates your spiritual endocrine system. It will achieve balance all the more quickly if you co-operate and allow the process by first slowing down and then consciously work toward this balance. To feel balanced, healthy and harmonious on both the inner and outer levels should be the aim, as you move into the full use of your wonderful New Earth crystalline light body. Your light body will produce, by sympathetic vibration or resonance, a crystalline state in the human body through its water matrix. Your body is 70 to 80 percent water and this water will begin to vibrate in crystalline forms. Once this happens, the physical body
 will receive and transmit more and more light. You will indeed become radiant and more luminous.   • Breathe properly, breathe deeply and breathe to feed your body.   • Drink more and more water, day after day.   • Meditate as much and as often as you can, if you seek to obtain a higher consciouness away from being enslaved by entities who seek to control you through greed. In these coming times the only way you will be able to maintain your centre and stay out of chaos, is to meditate. Get yourself to the point where even in a crowded, chaotic room you will be the calm waters felt in that room. The only way you can re-awken your human essence as a spiritually inspired and socially responsible being, is to be in your centre, to be calm and at peace. Only then can you attract to yourselves those that need you and those that you need. Chaos never attracts. It only repels. Understand this and discipline yourself to achieve this. Then all will happen as divinely ordained, in
 relation to a consciouness of free will, peace, and lovingkindness that created our universe.
  Make comments about this article in The Canadian Blog.
  Recommended readings:   The Quality-of-Life and Human Development, ISBN: 1897036353, 2006, 2007;Capitalism is Not Democracy, Part I, 2006; ISBN: 1894934636; and Do Extraterrestrials Exist? ISBN: 189731809X, 2007. 

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