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Re: Theos-World Pope excommunicates Protestants

Jul 12, 2007 01:39 PM
by Frank Reitemeyer

more funny is that Theosophy was officially condemned by the Vatican in
In 1928 the Vatican political party (Zentrumspartei - Center party) in the
Parliament of Saxony was able to change the law of tenantry to destroy the
headquarters of the Leipzig TS.
Leipzig town was the main theosophical in Germany from 1897 on, the main
groups sprang from the Hartmann direction.
Leipzig University was the first German University, which in 1912
established comparative religious studies at a time, when TS members in
villages were anxious of their neighbours to take a ride to a theosophical
meeting (because you could lost home, wife/husband, job).
Leipzig University was the first University in the world (I guess), which
had concrete plans at the end of the 1920'ies to lauch a chair for Theosophy
(sic!) at their Institute for Philosophy.
Annual meetings of the Leipzig Theosophists were attended by 4,000 members
and guests, they were in the daily press and their publications were well
known in the public, some of them being bestsellers as Surya's (a pupil of
Hartmann) "Modern Rosicrucians" which over 30 editions and at least 400,000
copies sold.
Some years more and German Theosophy of the Leipzig lineage would have been
renewed culture und spiritual life in Saxony and Germany.

Condemned Freemasonry was rehabilitated in 1986 by late Pope John II.

So far as I know condemned Theosophy (no Catholic must own and read a
theosophical book or attend theosophical meetings) was not rehabilitated
until today.

Perhaps one should ask Pope Benedict??:-))

Below follows the Latin document for the record:

(scroll down, document 9)

Source: Acta Apostolicae Sedis, Commentarium officiale Annus XI Volumen XI.
Rom 1919


feria IV die 16 iulii 1919

In plenario conventu habito ab EMis ac RMis Dominis Cardinalibus in rebus
fidei et morum Inquisitoribus Generalibus, propositu dubio:
<An doctrinae, quas hodie theosophicas dicunt, componi possint cum doctrina
catholica; ideoque an licat nomen dare societatibus theosophicis, earum
conventibus interesse, ipsarumque libros, ephemerides, diaria, scripta
Idem EMi ac RMi Domini, praehabito DD. Consultorum voto, respondendum
decreverunt: Negative in omnibus.

Et feria V die 17 eiusdem mensis, Ssmus D.N.D.Benedictus Div. Prov. PP. XV,
in solita audientia R.P.D.Assessori S.O. impertita, relatam sibi EMorum
Patrum resolutionem approbavit et publicari mandavit.

Datum Romae, ex aedibus S.Officii, die 18 iulii 1919.

A.Castellano, Supremae S.C.S.Off. Notarius.

BTW, document 6 is also interesting to the Blavatsky students as this Pledge
of Probationers of the E.S. of 1891 refers to ***the [two] outer heads
(Judge and Besant)***.
There are some theosophical lineages (ULT, Johnston) which claim that the
the term "outer head" was an invention of Tingley and Besant AFTER the 1895
This document is a proof that the term was known to and accepted by Judge
during his life-time and that both the Adyar and the Point Loma lineage 
agree and are
right on this point.

----- Original Message ----- 
From: Cass Silva
Sent: Wednesday, July 11, 2007 3:26 AM
Subject: Theos-World Pope excommunicates Protestants,20867,22054817-601,00.html



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