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Fwd: [Mind and Brain] Holistic Awareness

Nov 24, 2007 05:31 PM
by Leon Maurer

I thought this might be of interest to theosophy students or others  
interested in understanding consciousness, mind and brain.

> From: Leon Maurer <>
> Date: November 24, 2007 8:16:41 PM EST
> To:
> Subject: Re: [Mind and Brain] Holistic Awareness
> On Nov 21, 2007, at 11/21/0710:55 AM, Keith Turausky wrote:
>> Leon wrote:
>> "As I see it, consciousness is a fundamental aspect of absolute  
>> SPACE that underlies all configuration space-time.  Therefore, it  
>> arises simultaneously out of that SPACE (which is now everywhere  
>> at the zero-point origin of ZPE in the Planck vacuum) along with  
>> matter-energy fields... Thus, explaining the non locality of  
>> sensation anywhere in the body (like pain felt at the tip of a  
>> finger)..."
>> How does the conclusion follow from the premises?
> LM:
> If consciousness is at the origin of the ZPE fields that generate  
> and energize all the fundamental particles, it is also at the zero- 
> point center of the fields that similarly permeate and surround  
> each cell of the body.  Therefore, since we actually experience the  
> pain of a burn at the actual 3-D location of the damaged cells at  
> the end of a finger -- the premises imply the conclusion that  
> potential consciousness is a non-local quality of the zero-point at  
> the center of all information carrying electrodynamic fields...  
> Beginning with the highest order fractally involved ZPE fields in  
> Planck space, and extending through the particle, atomic, and  
> molecular fields, to the analogous EM fields of the cellular  
> structures themselves.
> It's the *entanglement* of all those inherently conscious zero- 
> points of absolute SPACE (within the limit of the overall highest  
> order metaphysical field surrounding the body and centered in the  
> naval) < 
> fig.col.jpg> that enables the global "I am" self reflected  
> awareness to simultaneously experience, and holographically locate  
> the remote perception of pain... So as to initiate (with the help  
> of the memory field and brain processing) a delayed intention to  
> relieve the remote blister with some ointment and a bandage. ;-)
>> On Nov 17, 2007 10:37 PM, Leon Maurer <> wrote:
>> On Nov 17, 2007, at 11/17/0712:46 PM, Laurent Duchesne wrote:
>>> --- In, Leon Maurer <leonmaurer@...>  
>>> wrote:
>>> <Snip>
>>>> Please explain how "most physicists" and the "standard model"  
>>>> *prove*
>>>> that all the energy of the universe wasn't present at the moment  
>>>> of its emergence?  And why thermodynamics doesn't tell us how  
>>>> much energy is being used in any system in relation to the whole?
>>>> The only thing that could be false in that statement is that the
>>>> parts "sense" the energy... Implying that matter creates
>>>> consciousness, and therefore, precedes mind -- as previously  
>>>> claimed by Laurent...
>>> Right, that term is problematic, lets than say 'registers'. OK? I
>>> don't know why people find it problematic... what do sensors on an
>>> engine do? They sense, right?
>> Yes.  But in the context of consciousness study, the term "sense"  
>> could be nisconstrued to mean that the matter (or the machine ) is  
>> conscious in itself... Which would be false -- since there is no  
>> scientific evidence that consciousness (awareness, will, qualia,  
>> etc.) is an epiphenomena of matter, or even emerges from the  
>> complexity of the brain's neurology.
>> As I see it, consciousness is a fundamental aspect of absolute  
>> SPACE that underlies all configuration space-time.  Therefore, it  
>> arises simultaneously out of that SPACE (which is now everywhere  
>> at the zero-point origin of ZPE in the Planck vacuum) along with  
>> matter-energy fields... Thus, explaining the non locality of  
>> sensation anywhere in the body (like pain felt at the tip of a  
>> finger)... And also, explaining the separate location in spacetime  
>> of individual *self-reflected* awareness, and *self generated*  
>> will in all living or sentient beings... Including single celled  
>> organisms that *know* (or sense) in which direction the light or  
>> heat is coming from -- so they can, consciously, either turn  
>> toward or away from it.
>> The difference between the phenomenal consciousness of those  
>> simpler beings and humans or higher animals, is that, without  
>> awakened higher order mind-memory fields in conjunction with  
>> developed brain stems and associated neurology, they have no free  
>> will or reasoning power...  Although these are subtle distinctions  
>> between different species along the chain of evolution.  However,  
>> in all cases, subjective consciousness itself would be  
>> identical... While being latent in lifeless or inorganic matter  
>> forms -- down to the smallest particle.
>> This view, including the cosmogenesis of the initial higher order  
>> (spiritual, mental, astral) fields of matter energy and their  
>> involution and evolution into the holographically conscious  
>> universe is thoroughly explained by the ABC theory... Ref; my  
>> previous posts and the following web sites and illustrations:
>> chakrafield.html
>> As for the ultimate *meaning* behind it all -- based on the  
>> brain's neurology, coupled with the fractal mathematics,  
>> dichotomies, symmetries, asymmetries etc., rooted in the  
>> fundamental infinite spin-momentum of absolute SPACE at the primal  
>> beginning -- refer to the IDM concepts of Chris Lofting.   
>> Together, these interrelated bottom up ontological and top down  
>> epistemological views, along with the new physics based on E8 (Lie  
>> Algebra) of Garret Lisi, should be able to constitute a complete  
>> Unified Field Theory of Everything. ;-)
>> (Although I'm not so sure if Lisi's theory is really as complete  
>> as all the hype says it is;-)
>> Leon Maurer

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]


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