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TS Election Rules - Keeping Members Uptodate

Apr 25, 2008 04:27 AM
by MKR

I have been trying to find out if the TS Rules are available online and a
kind theosophist pointed to me its availability at Katinka's personal
Website. None of the websites of TS or any of the National
Websites seem to have them.

Rules on
Katinka's website may not be uptodate since there is no publically
available info about changes that have taken place over the years.
 Making the rules easily accessible to members is important and very easy in
this Internet age. All you need is an additional webpage.

We have talked about how young the current nominees are!!!  May be if
membership was more exposed to the rules and there is a move to get a
younger member nominated, we may have names of one or more younger members
in the President Election Ballot.

Aside from the rules, transparency of the decisions of the General Council
cannot but help. I have not seen any effort made at any level to keep the
membership informed of going ons in the GC. Even public organizations have
ways of protecting the confidentiality of decisions where confidentiality of
details is needed. All other policy decisions should be shared with
membership. It is very easy to do it. Just add a webpage.


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