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Re: Theos-World Language problems

May 16, 2008 02:54 PM
by Martin

There is a worry in heaven...

--- Frank Reitemeyer <> wrote:

> Main problem could be that there are not so much
> Germans anymore in Germany.
> It seems that some force which has the power to play
> chess with peoples and nations and re-arrange them
> on the chess-board believes that destroying of
> swabhavas is practical brotherhood!
> Frank
> ----- Original Message ----- 
> From: 
> To: 
> Sent: Friday, May 16, 2008 8:50 AM
> Subject: Re: Theos-World Language problems
> German would be impossible!  No one can understand
> it, least of all the Germans!
> Chuck the Heretic
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Konstantin Zaitzev <>
> To:
> Sent: Fri, 16 May 2008 1:45 am
> Subject: Theos-World Language problems
> --- In, "prmoliveira"
> <prmoliveira@...> 
> wrote:
> > Just imagine, for argument's sake, that HPB (and
> her two Teachers, 
> > since The Secret Doctrine was their "triple
> production") had written 
> > the following passage in, let us say, Russian:
> > "This "Be-ness" is symbolised in the Secret
> Doctrine under two 
> > How many people in the world would be able to read
> it, let alone 
> > understand it?
> She could select any widely understood language,
> like Spanish or 
> German. Writing right about these things you quoted
> she empasized that 
> English is utterly unfit for philosophical
> literature, and that in 
> German she could use term das Sein for Be-ness and
> need not to invent 
> a new term.
> Even if she wrote everything in Russian, the more
> saticfactory 
> translations to the most of European languages could
> be prepared from 
> it than from English, and maybe even the English
> translation would be 
> better than the current English original.
> An edidence of an American was spoken out here that
> even in the 
> neighbouring states different words for the same
> things are used. For 
> example, in Russian this situation is almost
> impossible, the language 
> is strictly uniform all over the country; the
> regionalisms are slight 
> and don't impede any understanding.
> In 19th century the Ukrainian language, which is
> different, was 
> considered a dialect, but later, both for the sake
> of Ukrainians who 
> wanted to speak their language and for the sake of
> purity of Russian 
> language it was declared a separate language which
> develops its own 
> way. Yet it has in itself many dialects and the
> people of east and 
> west of Ukraine sometimes hardly understand one
> another.
> The differences in English have gone so far than
> even native speakers 
> lost the sense of their own language. One Russian
> travelled over 
> America. He spoke English fluently but with a
> Russian accent. In one 
> of middle west states an American asked him:
> â?? I see from you speech that you came from afar.
> â?? Yes, I am, â?? replied the Russian.
> â?? From the East Coast, perhaps?
> [Non-text portions of this message have been
> removed]
> [Non-text portions of this message have been
> removed]



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