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Theos-World Re: So Anand, what about Master Koot Hoomi??

Oct 18, 2008 03:36 PM
by christinaleestemaker

Frank, that is a century ago.
Possibly with buddhi insight, one don't need a master, for he or she 
is a master him -or herself.And for sure there would be any etherical 
influence from the higher levels.
I take what is in the teachings, but don't stay hanging in it.Times 
goes on , or evolution goes on.For everyone, what he or she needed.

Why we cannot influence the bad, materialistic, selfish economy in 
this world, with the knowledge we have???
Is that not a great issue for theosophy ? Better than staying outside 
this world.Or sitting on  a rose cloud. In this world we have to make 
it and as we see we have not learned yet in a century.What can few 
persons do? we need the scale of 100 or maybe 1000 or more.

--- In, "Frank Reitemeyer" <dzyan@...> 
> But HPB does not belong to the group of people who believe they can 
find the teachings wihtout a leader.
> She had her own Master.
> ----- Original Message ----- 
> From: christinaleestemaker 
> To: 
> Sent: Saturday, October 18, 2008 6:42 PM
> Subject: Theos-World Re: So Anand, what about Master Koot Hoomi??
> Such people did not hang it on the Big Ben.For reasons you see what 
> happened to HPB.
> --- In, "Frank Reitemeyer" <dzyan@> 
> wrote:
> >
> > >By the way, who need leaders?
> > 
> > 
> > Everyone, who wants to receive the occult teachings in the right 
> way needs a 
> > teacher.
> > 
> > Those, who do not need the teachings and are satisfied with 
> themselves or 
> > with the books they can buy need no teacher.
> > As this is the mindset f.e. of the ULT, no teacher comes to them 
> and they 
> > miss him not.
> > So both sides are satisfied.
> > 
> > >Cannot we lead ourselves?
> > 
> > Hardly possible. In fact I have never met such a person or have 
> heard about 
> > it.
> > Those who proudly proclaim that they can find the teachings for 
> themselves 
> > have so far never given a proof of their claim.
> > 
> > Frank
> >
> [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

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