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Theos-World Re: Questions for Keith - straight to the point I hope

Apr 06, 2009 07:55 AM

Dear Ramadoss

I think that is an excellent idea, it would be very easy to receive the results
by email and post them daily onto a web page showing the date received.

This would prevent any reoccurrence of the unjust accusation made against
the Indian Section and the untold misery caused by the miscalculation of
some hostile General Secretaries.

Anybody who has met the President of the Indian Section knows he would
be incapable of cheating, his only error is to have accumulated too many 
members.  Members who are devoted to the President and are willing to 
make the effort to vote.

It seems obvious to me, that with so many members the Indian Section 
do not need to cheat, if the voting return was at the same percentage as
that in the west, there would be no change in the final result.

Best wishes

--- In, MKR <mkr777@...> wrote:
> How the sections' voting results are handled/processed brings up a serious
> transparency issue brought about the electioneering that took place last
> year. Once a world-wide deadline is established, if each section has the
> same deadline, the results from each section should be made public as
> soon as the votes are tallied in each section. The same deadline applying to
> all sections is meant to prevent one section's results influencing any other
> sections members. For example in all public elections, once the votes in
> each state is tallied, the results are not kept secret till all the states'
> results reach a central place and totalled.
> In TS election, there is unnecessary secrecy and the national results are
> not disclosed to the members and kept secret. It is known to some in each
> section and possibly the section leaders and from the events of last
> year, no one is sure that these numbers are not leaked to other sections
> and/or their leaders. In today's world, everyone expects the sections
> results announced as soon as the tallying is complete and there is no reason
> why this cannot and should not be done.
> Normally, no one would bring up these issues. It is the actions of many
> section's leaders last year in the electioneering has brought this into
> focus.
> Any thoughts?
>   On 4/4/09, Anton Rozman <anton_rozman@...> wrote:
> As the voting results of each individual Section are in first place
> processed by Sections' Election Committees the voting results of each
> individual Section are known to the members of these Committees. The
> question therefore is: do/did members of these Committees share their
> knowledge of the voting results of their Sections with the Administration in
> Adyar before the closing of the election process or do/did not?
> [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

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