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Re: Theos-World Was Alice Bailey "the New Torch-Bearer of Truth"?

May 20, 2009 09:35 PM
by Drpsionic

I always thought it stopped their thinking.  
Chuck the Heretic
In a message dated 5/20/2009 7:41:54 P.M. Central Daylight Time, writes:


As far as I am concerned John Lennon was the last Music Messiah and look  
what happened to him!!!    His music caused a revolution in  people's  


From:  Leon Maurer <_leonmaurer@aol.leo_ ( >
To: _theos-talk@yahoogrotheos-t_ ( 
Sent:  Wednesday, 20 May, 2009 2:04:08 PM
Subject: Re: Theos-World Was Alice  Bailey "the New Torch-Bearer of Truth"?

Hi Antonio,

Since  everyone here could be reading our letters, and don't always 
save read  messages, it would be a good idea to quote whatever 
posting you are  responding to.

As I have said all I needed to about your ideas and  plans in my last 
correspondence, we'll just have to wait and see if your  visions are 
real and the future you predict will be realized in this  century, if 
not in our lifetimes.

I may be a bit jaded and  skeptical -- since you are the fourth self 
proclaimed music maven messiah  I have encountered since the mid 
1940s. I'm still waiting for any of the  prophesies they made to come 
true. One of them, a very successful musician  (whom I met in the 
60's and toked with in NY Central Park during the 70s)  even got 
eliminated by the dark side powers that be -- when he came too  close 
to initiating his revolution to bring peace and love to the world.  
So, there's no way to know whether he was the real messiah (although  
his music still lives on with his message -- that continues to  
influence many people to think and act theosophically) .

In the  meantime, we'll all look forward to your forthcoming album -- 
with the  hope that it can really help change the world and bring it 
closer to  peace, love, and universal brotherhood.

To answer your question... I  don't think there that any true 
theosophist -- (many of whom are NOT  active members of the splintered 
Theosophical Society) -- could ever  consider Creme a theosophist or 
that the man who calls himself Maitreya,  is the Messiah he claims to 
be -- since the theosophical Masters  themselves do not believe in a 
personal God or his supposed avatars in the  flesh. As the great 
teacher Jesus said, "you shall know them by their  fruits." So, the 
fact that Creme believes in Maitreya makes it obvious  that he may be 
one of the tools of the "New World Order"  conspiracy.

And, it also should be obvious that the Christ's (NOT  Jesus) apparent 
"return" has already occurred within every true  theosophist who has 
achieved self realization, merged his higher self with  the Universal 
Self, and has become a nucleus of universal brotherhood --  the prima 
object of the theosophical movement.

Therefore, no one  can claim he is the ONLY Christ-Messiah, in order 
to rule and be  worshipped and followed... Like the Pharaohs of 
ancient Egypt... None of  whom could perform any true miracles -- 
other than fooling ignorant people  with the same, apparently magical, 
knowledge used by both Jesus and Moses  (and even HPB, who also knew 
all the rules of "glamour" and "Mesmerism" --  like the "Fakirs" in 

No doubt the current Maitreya claimant  uses those same "stage magic" 
techniques to fool the superstitious Hindu  mobs who attend his 
meetings in India.

Good luck with your  album.

Best wishes,

On May 18, 2009, at 5/18/095:11 PM,  Antonio/Tony None wrote:

> Hi Leon,
> Thanks for your  indepth feedback.
> I have taken on board your points of view  and what seems to be a 
> vast wealth of knowledge, well articulated in  your reply.
> I can't help the beliefs that i have, they are a  result of my life 
> experiences. I beleive it is my calling to break  down what the new 
> world order is and what their true agenda is. I  would have to agree 
> that the new world order is a powerful ideal one  that could 
> potential destroy or heal the world in which we  live.
> The fact remains that regardless of your beliefs, the  powers that 
> be will indeed see their plans come to fruition. The TS  in my 
> opinion has many faces. It is the culmination of opinions and  
> ideals of each member that create the future for the  TS.
> I have recently watched a few of Krishnamurti' s lectures  and i saw 
> him talking at the UN and being introduced as the World  Teacher. 
> Although i respect his views i still think he was far off  the mark 
> in terms of what i would percieve the real world teacher to  be.
> Benjamin creme a self proclaimed theosphist believes in  Maitreya 
> and i am not quite sure what to make of that fact. Is this  not a 
> common beleief amongst members of the TS?
> There  are many conflicting views and i can see why the TS is being 
> torn and  sides are being formed. My real aim is to break down the 
> viel of  secrecy and show people what is really going on. I honestly 
> beleive  that the false messiah will actually fool the very elite. 
> those who  beleive he will be used as another pupet to bring about 
> their agenda.  However i think this is where Maitreya will come into 
> his element and  expose the very people that think he is working for 
> them. They say if  you cant beat them join them. That is the only 
> way to beat them, from  within.
> If my album makes some waves and i am sure with the  confession of 
> who i am in my songs it will. Then i hope that the  powers that be 
> will wake up and realise that i am here to help them  with their 
> plans. Once inside the devils house i will use love to  contaminate 
> the evils and thus turn power inside out.
>  The fact that Maitreya is not destined to arrive for sometime 
>  according to your calculations does not deter me in my efforts as 
>  time is not relevent to my end goal. The fact is this earth will 
> long  perish before the time of Maitryea's arrival based on buddhist 
>  calculations.
> My time to act is now. My life will be put on  the line. What i am 
> talking about in my music could lead me to public  ridicule 
> something i am willing to sacrafice for  change.
> The bottom line is i know that Maitryea is a false  prophet and i 
> also know that without this false prophet Christ can  not reapear. 
> So in order to bring about Christs coming i am willing  to be the 
> antichrist or false messiah. I want to make that sacrafice.  I feel 
> that is my calling.
> So i will follow my  beleifs to the end and see where my album takes 
> me.
>  That overshadowing experience is one i want back. That was the only 
>  time in my life that i felt complete, connected and truely at 
> peace.  That is what i am aiming for and i feel when my life's work 
> is  complete i can either totally let go of that part of my life or 
>  totally embrace it based on the reaction of my material.
> I  have had amaizing visions of the future and one based on love and 
>  peace and ultimatly that is what i am fighting for in the best and 
>  most powerful way i know.
> So it is obvious we have two very  different points of view and i 
> respect yours and know that it is more  of an educated enriched 
> perspective of the matters which we speak of  but i must follow what 
> i beleive in with all my heart and hope to  make positive change as 
> a result.
> We shall see on the  22nd of July how east london reacts to my 
> campaign. Hopefully it will  cause a stir and kick start a 
> revolution. But we will  see.
> Peace and blessings
>  Antonio.
> --- On Mon, 18/5/09, Leon Maurer  <leonmaurer@leonmaur> wrote:
> From: Leon Maurer  <leonmaurer@leonmaur>
> Subject: Re: Theos-World Was Alice  Bailey "the New Torch-Bearer of 
> Truth"?
> To:  theos-talk@yahoogro
> Date: Monday, 18 May, 2009, 8:49  PM
>  Antonio,
> I don't want to burst your bubble,  but that's the same kind of talk
> that the early founders of  the Catholic Church used -- that ended up
> causing long periods  of warfare and pogroms that caused deaths,
> injuries, broken  families and destruction of homes of countless
> millions of  people.
> No matter what the motives are of the  "false prophet" (Matthew
> 7:15-20) calling himself "Maitreya"  (actually destined to come at the
> end of Kali Yuga in about  400,000 years from now) -- who comes to
> supposedly take charge  of the global "New World Order" government --
> it will be his  sycophant inner circle of followers who will actually
>  rule.
> And, as is well known to all students of  history -- such absolute
> power, in the hands of unenlightened  and greedy people, always
> corrupts absolutely. So, any  government based on organized religion
> centered around a  divine Messianic figurehead, and dependent on
> restrictive  dictatorial laws to control the thoughts and actions of
> the  people, is destined to fail.
> My hope (not  fear) is that such a police state dictatorial government
> never  sneaks up on us -- like was attempted recently by another  sweet
> talking Jesus Christ loving, born again evangelical  Christian -- who
> slyly stole an election, became the US  President and lied us into a
> seemingly endless religious war  -- with the help of his cabal of evil
> minded political  cronies. So, count on me to be one of the many
> enemies of this  false Messiah posing as Maitreya, and the New World
> Order  shadow government that backs him -- whoever he is or they  are.
> I'm afraid that any true theosophist who  has already, or is studying
> and practicing to reach full self  realization, knows that none of the
> works of man can ever  solve the problems that man's works (guided by
> edicts and  rules created and sanctioned by their leaders, and
> condoned by  their personal greeds) has created. And no dictatorial
>  government set up to solve those problems can flourish without  such
> power, in the hands of the few, ending up just as corrupt  as all
> revolutionary movements eventually become, when they  take over
> dictatorial control of governing peoples  lives.
> Of course, no real theosophist is for a  fully self governed, "no
> rules" world... That is, untll ALL  people are self realized and
> enlightened. But, until then, the  only good government would be a
> true democratic government "of  the people, by the people, and for the
> people"... With a  leadership that can be kicked out when the people
> decide they  are not serving the purpose they were elected for.
> Surely,,  such a government will never be ideal... But it is certainly
>  better than any dictatorship or monarchy over the long  run.
> And, agreed, the global monetary system  would have to be radically
> changed if such a true democracy  could work effectively. But, we
> must never forget that each  group of people with similar customs
> would have to remain free  to practice them without interference -- so
> long as they harm  no one. So, a homogenous global governed world by
> any  dictatorial religious leader is not a realistic solution to  the
> world problems.
> As it  stands, the "New World Order" government you speak of, is the
>  same old plan for world dictatorship and takeover of the  global
> economy by the "Secret Society" of world bankers and  brokers -- who
> are just waiting for another phony Messiah to,  knowingly or
> unknowingly, act as their stooge in the role of  world dictator --
> under their guidance and  control.
> In no way can the ancient brotherhood  of non interfering Masters and
> Adepts be confused with this  New World Order cabal of greedy elitists
> and would be  dictatorial monarchists.
> While I don't believe  in your personal God or his supposed coming
> savior, I don't  doubt your good intentions.. . Although, there is an
> old  truism saying that "the road to hell is paved with good
>  intentions." ;-)
> But, be assured that no true  theosophist has to worry about
> "releasing the devil that is  (supposedly) within them." ;-) The only
> one's who have such  devils in them are those who would sacrifice
> individual  liberty to a dictatorial government. So, maybe you should
>  study the fundamental teachings of theosophy before you start
>  preaching to those who truly understand and follow its Heart  Doctrine.
> So, stick with your love-teaching  music, and stop trying to convert
> into your religious beliefs,  theosophists or any other spiritually
> minded independent  thinkers who, while they, too, may respect your
> ideals, won't  fall for smarmy, holier than thou talk -- when its
> underlying  motives lead to any sort of mind-controlling,
> dictatorially  religious governmental organization.
>  Incidentally, after going back in my unread letter files and  reading
> about your "overshadowing" as you call it -- I think  you may have
> experienced unconscious mediumistic Astral  epiphanies that could have
> been falsely interpreted as  spiritual experiences. .. If so, I
> recommend that you study  some of the articles written by Blavatsky
> about the Astral  realm and the errors and dangers of such mediumship,
> as  contrasted with true adeptship. According to the occult laws,
>  there is no way for a living individual to contact an entity on  the
> spiritual plane -- although there are entities on the  astral plane
> (Buddhists call "hungry ghosts") that could  mislead and be quite
> evilly dangerous to a non adept. You can  find such articles at:
> _http://www.blavatsk_ (http://www.blavatsk/)  
blavatsky- articles. htmt
> Try this one for  starters:
> _http://www.blavatsk_ (http://www.blavatsk/)  
arts/CaseOfObses sion.htm
> Apparently your  jumping from one mystical teaching to another and
> your  psychiatric breakdown experience are signs that should not be
>  ignored before your next Astral experience, unsolicited visions,  or
> uncontrolled kundalini awakening causes irrevocable  damage... (That,
> incidentally, could be especially dangerous  if you have ever or are
> now using psychoactive  drugs.)
> Best  wishes,
> Leon  Maurer
> On May 13, 2009, at 5/13/097:28 AM,  Antonio/Tony None wrote:
>> Hi  Leon,
>> I overstand your stance and your  world views for a future based on
>> no rules. I feel this is  commendable and eventually will become a
>> reality. Before  this occurs the chaos in the world needs to be
>> addressed.  I feel that the worlds choas needs to be drawn to one
>>  central point and at that moment when the world awakens to the  true
>> realisation will that point be destroyed and thus  allow humanity to
>> move forward void of negative emotion.  Fear surrounding the new
>> world orders plan is natural but  the fact remains the freternal
>> brotherhood do exist and  they do have an agenda to centralise all
>> power to one  operating body. This is a very worrying and yet
>> exciting  propesition. As head of this order, Maitreya will change
>>  both internally and externally the processes by which we as  humans
>> operate. From re-education, to the eradication of  weapons. To
>> sharing with one another as a spiritual rush  and taking the
>> monetary system totally out of the  equation. The fact that
>> Maitrey may come to us via music  is not something that should be
>> dismissed. God's biggest  gift to Lucifer was music. My album will
>> be different and  will totally challange spiritual concepts in our
>> reality  but that will also be down to peoples interpretation.
>>  People like yourself unwilling to accept such a movement as  being
>> anything other than genuine and devinly inspired.  You are the
>> people i need to reach most, the lost ones in  the dark, searching
>> for the light, hoping for one day to  realese the devil from within
>> you. Armegeddon is as much  an inward battle as a world
>> transformation. It is  ultimatly about vanquishing the evils from
>> within and  emerging evolved into a connected higher state of
>>  consciousness. If you fail to take this change on board your  evils
>> will overwhelm and overcome you and evetually  destroy you. So i
>> hope and pray that when you receive my  words and my music that you
>> look on it with an open heart  and you see the true intentions. The
>> intent to change a  dying world through that one binding universal
>> truth.  Love.
>> Peace and  blessings
>> Antonio
>>  --- On Wed, 13/5/09, Leon Maurer <leonmaurer@ aol. com>  wrote:
>> From: Leon Maurer  <leonmaurer@ aol. com>
>> Subject: Re: Theos-World Was  Alice Bailey "the New Torch-Bearer of
>>  Truth"?
>> To: theos-talk@yahoogro
>> Date: Wednesday, 13 May, 2009, 12:36  AM
>>  Since the Masters knew what problems resulted from the
>>  revealing of
>> their names by their  first messenger (HPB) -- do you think they  (or
>> their successors) would make the  same mistake again when the new
>>  messenger begins the new  mission?
>>  And, by all the rules set down by the Masters (and  promulgated
>> through HPB) -- wouldn't  the actual work on that mission have  to
>> begin in I975 by someone already  mature in the practical ways of the
>>  modern world, fully educated and experienced in ALL the fine  and
>> applied arts of current science,  engineering and all levels of high
>>  technology communication -- while also being fully indoctrinated  with
>> the theosophical teachings -- to  at least the beginning of adeptship
>> --  as was HPB when she began her mission in  1875?
>>  And, wouldn't all the occult powers -- that also attracted hordes  of
>> superficial sycophants and resulted  in many fraudulent copycats
>> during and  after HPB's time -- be intentionally withheld from  their
>> new agent (such as the power of  foresight and other siddhis was
>>  withheld from  HPB)?
>>  Obviously, of course, none of the present Masters would ever  reveal
>> themselves, personally, or  allow their messenger to expose their
>>  names this time around. There would also no longer be a need  to
>> attract members to the teachings  through an organization, or to a
>>  notorious personality. .. Since all that now matters would be  to
>> prove the theosophical teachings  beyond a shadow of a doubt, free
>> each  human to be their own judge and master, as well as discredit  all
>> forms of organized religion based  on supernatural causation, personal
>>  Gods, vicarious atonement and living  messiahs.
>>  .
>> Think about all that, and try to  imagine anyone in the Theosophical
>>  Society, or appointed by its leaders, being in a position to  fill
>> that role... Especially, anyone  who is not fully indoctrinated into
>>  the entire secret doctrine -- as thoroughly taught by HPB in ALL  her
>>  writings.
>>  Didn't William Q. Judge say that there were only three  books
>> necessary to fully comprehend  theosophy -- which were, the Secret
>>  Doctrine, the Bhagavad Gita, and the Yoga Aphorisms of  Patanjali?
>> (Is it any wonder, then,  why he transliterated all three --  along
>> with their detailed commentaries  and answers to  questions?)
>>  Isn't it, then, also obvious why the real identity of the  messenger
>> could not be revealed until  the actual scientific "proof" of the
>>  Secret Doctrine metaphysics actually shows up in the  scientific
>> journals and the mass  media, and becomes worldwide public  knowledge?
>> And, even then, the true  messenger will not be known, since the
>>  accredited, peer reviewable physicists who win the prize for such  a
>> proof will never acknowledge who or  what inspired them -- (as
>> Einstein  never would think of giving credit to HPB for  his
>> theories.;-)  See:
>> _http://leonmaurer._ (http://leonmaurer./)  info/einstein.  html
>>  Only, then, will all true theosophists recognize the new  teachings
>> (with no need to make the  retired messenger their leader) and  rally
>> together as true "companions" to  form the nucleus of the "universal
>>  brotherhood" ... That, by their example, teaches the rest of the 
>>  world
>> the true meaning and practice of  the Heart Doctrine of theosophy as
>> the  basis of *true* democratic government.. . With no need of  a
>> messiah and his hierarchical  leadership, New World Order police  state
>> governments, personal gods,  priests, or religious  organizations.
>>  Thus, anyone who claims to be the new messenger, world  teacher,
>> messiah, returned Christ,  Maitreya, etc., before (or after) that
>>  time, would necessarily be an impostor (or false prophet). And,  the
>> biggest joke of all is the  delusional idea that the "new message"
>>  will be in the form of a musical album, sung by the  messiah
>> himself  ;-)
>>  So, let's stop this endless speculative nonsense, and knuckle down  to
>> learning and teaching pure  theosophy -- so we'll all be ready  when
>> that "new message" shows up...  And, afterward, have no need for
>>  organizations or leaders to tell us how to act (as one) in  whatever
>> way is necessary to turn this  world back into the paradise it was
>>  meant to  be.
>>  Best wishes,
>> Leon  Maurer
>>  On May 11, 2009, at 5/11/099:55 PM, Cass Silva  wrote:
>>>  Does this mean that the person was born in 1975 - which would  now
>>> make him 35 years old or that  in 1975 his mission  began?
>>>  Cass
>>>  ____________ _________ _________  __
>>> From: danielhcaldwell  <danielhcaldwell@>
>>>  To: theos-talk@yahoogro
>>>  Sent: Tuesday, 12 May, 2009 3:25:00  AM
>>> Subject: Theos-World Was Alice  Bailey "the New Torch-Bearer of
>>>  Truth"?
>>>  Was Alice Bailey "the New Torch-Bearer of  Truth"?
>>>  Alice Bailey claimed that "her teachings came from the same  Occult
>>> Brotherhood that taught HP  Blavatsky . . . . Bailey's guide
>>>  professed to be the same Djual Khool that was one of  HPB's
>>> teachers. Bailey also  declared that her guru was the same  Master
>>> Koot Hoomi that Blavatsky  knew."
>>>  Many Bailey students have quoted the following passage  from
>>> H.P.B.'s pen in supporting  the claim that Alice Bailey was  the
>>> expected new messenger of the  Masters in the 20th  century:
>>>  "In Century the Twentieth some disciple more informed, and  far
>>> better fitted, may be sent by  the Masters of Wisdom to give  final
>>> and irrefutable proofs that  there exists a Science called  Gupta-
>>> Vidya; and that . . . the  source of all religions and
>>>  philosophies . . . has been for many ages forgotten and lost  to
>>> men, but is at last found."  S.D., 1888, Vol I, p. xxxviii  (original
>>>  edition)
>>>  But Students should compare this 1888 statement with the  following
>>> two passages from HPB's  pen. The first extract was written  in
>>> December 1888 and the second  one dates from the middle of  1889.
>>>  The first passage  reads:
>>>  "Let every member [of the Esoteric Section] know . . . that  the
>>> time for such priceless  acquisition is limited. The writer of  the
>>> present is old; her life is  well-nigh worn out, and she may be
>>>  summoned 'home' any day and almost any hour. And if her place  is
>>> even filled up, perchance by  another worthier and more learned  than
>>> herself, still there remain  but twelve years to the last hour  of
>>> the term - namely, till  December the 31st, 1899. Those who will  not
>>> have profited by the  opportunity (given to the world in every  last
>>> quarter of a century), those  who will not have reached a  certain
>>> point of psychic and  spiritual development, or that point  from
>>> which begins the cycle of  adeptship, by that day - those  will
>>> advance no further than the  knowledge already acquired. No  Master
>>> of Wisdom from the East  will appear or send any one to Europe  or
>>> America after that period, and  the sluggards will have to  renounce
>>> every  chance
>>> of advancement in their  present incarnation - until the year  1975.
>>> Such is the LAW, for we are  in Kali Yuga - the Black Age - and  the
>>> restrictions in this cycle,  the first 5,000 years of which  will
>>> expire in 1897, are great and  almost insuperable. " HPB's  Collected
>>> Writings, Vol XII, pp.  491-492. Italics  added.
>>>  The second passage is as  follows:
>>>  ". . .during the last quarter of every hundred years an attempt  is
>>> made by those 'Masters' . . .  to help on the spiritual progress  of
>>> Humanity in a marked and  definite way. Towards the close of  each
>>> century you will invariably  find that an outpouring or upheaval  of
>>> spirituality - or call it  mysticism if you prefer - has  taken
>>> place. Some one or more  persons have appeared in the world as  their
>>> agents, and a greater or  less amount of occult knowledge  and
>>> teaching has been given out .  . . . .If the present attempt, in  the
>>> form of our Society, succeeds  better than its predecessors have
>>>  done, then it will be in existence as an organized, living  and
>>> healthy body when the time  comes for the effort of the XXth
>>>  century. The general condition of men's minds and hearts will  have
>>> been improved and purified by  the spread of its teachings . . .  .
>>> but besides a  large
>>> and accessible literature  ready to men's hands, the next  impulse
>>> will find a numerous and  united body of people ready to welcome  the
>>> new torch-bearer of Truth. He  will find the minds of men  prepared
>>> for his message, a  language ready for him in which to clothe  the
>>> new truths he brings, an  organization awaiting his arrival . . .  ."
>>> The Key to Theosophy, pp.  306-7. Italics  added.
>>>  The three passages taken together indicate that HPB was  referring
>>> to an emissary of the  Masters coming in 1975 or later.  These
>>> statements by HPB would seem  to rule out the messenger being  Alice
>>> Bailey or many other  claimants. For a list of such claimants,  see:
>>>  _http://blavatskyarc_ (http://blavatskyarc/)  
latermessengers.  htm#six
>>>  Daniel
>>> _http://hpb.cc_ ( 
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