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Re: Theos-World Fanaticism and Dogmatism

Jun 23, 2009 04:47 PM
by Erica L. Georgiades

Dear friends,
Two weeks now, we in the Theosophical Society in Greece, are under extreme pressure. The Summer Conference of the T.S. in Greece to take place in few days, has caused a lot of talking. But today the situation has exceeded every logical limit. The Bishop of Alexandropolis gave an interview during the morning, and an also  interview  tonight  on a TV channel, accusing us of satanists and saying things that I prefer not to describe.

The Bishop of Alexandropolis also published an encyclical, against the conference which  is on every Christian web-site and was
published on newspapers. 

It was decided by the T.S. in Greece to request  police protection when we arrive on Alexandropolis and on Samothace Island.

You can see the program of the conference at this link:

Below is a translation of part of the encyclical, which has a total of three pages, and the links to the original encyclical in Greek.

http://www.imalex. gr/DF948CB4. el.aspx
http://www.athos. gr/s_articles- t_view-id_ 1250.html




My dear brothers and sisters, 

Residents of the Island of Samothrace, 

I turn to you to beg your attention to protect yourselves against the
consequences of a Conference on the Kabeirian Mysteries, those terrible
mysteries ended 2000 years ago, which today some Pagans are trying to
revive it.  We can only make assumptions about what
happened during the Kabeirian ceremonies, because as in the other mysteries of the ancient world, the initiate was not disclosing what happens, because people would not accept their ways of worship. 

The Theosophical Society in Greece, from 26 to 28 June, will hold a Congress in Samothrace Island, to initiate  people on the Kaveiria Mysteries. The emblem of the Theosophical Society are two triangles, a swastika, a Ouroboros a snake that swallows its own tail, an evil Egyptian cross, and a secret group of Hindu words. The main Âmotto of the Theosophical Society is that ÂThere is noReligion Higher than TruthÂ. 

The question is: 

Are these people futile? We know that only to refer to the
ÂKaveiriaÂ, reduces any intellectual capability they may have. 

Havenât they learned the truth answered by Jesus Christ when he taught ÂI am the truthÂ.

Its our moral obligation to ask: 

v Who invited them to our site, causing the piety of the Christian inhabitants
of the island? 

v Who hosts the home of our five compatriots Martyrs; 

v Who invited them to the island of Virgin Krimniotissas? 

v Who wants to blind the eyes of  Apostle
Paul of Samothrace? 

We will continue to bring pilgrims to wishful Island, of all the world to
deepen in the first step made by the Apostle Paul in Europe and bring the
message of the Gospel. 

The Theosophical Society is against Christianism who has built hundreds of
churches on the island.

The TheosophicalSociety is: 

v An occult organization that uses methods of Eastern religions, 

v tries to overcome barriers of religions and to create a universal
brotherhood, thorugh: 

1.        studying comparativereligions and philosophies, 
2         investigatings the laws of nature and the hidden
forces of man. 

Understand, then, ladies and brothers, how poor is for us Christians, these
aspirations of the supporters of Theosophical Society, who came to the place of the blessed Virgin Mary from the sacramental blood of Five New Martyrs,  tooffer us to go back! To return to the past! To return to the Kaveirian mysteries. 

A dead past to us. We want the light, we who live under the
light and the grace of Christ. We do not need the secretive interpretations, nor false Occultism. We have the gospels of our churches, and is only the freedom of our wishes, which determines our
relationship with God. 

We monitor these reactionary efforts, not to encourage violent
events with them, but because of the war against us, so pray to God to illuminate to findthe victory of the Gospel given on life and death. 

So, my Christian brethren, I urge you to disregard the suspected ÂTheosophical Society which comes to our place to try to mislead our intellect by claiming their searches. They are coming forward to us with bloody and immoral ways to worshipGod. 

But I also call your attention to any vandalism that occurs in our churches or chapels. And then the responsibility will fall heavily on those who have
invited or accepted the realization of this pagan conference on the island. 

The Bishop of Alexandropolis

Alexandroupolis ANTHIMOS â

best wishes,




[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

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