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Re: Theos-World Re: Faked moon landing? Update -- Shock in Amsterdam

Sep 02, 2009 05:29 PM
by Frank Reitemeyer

Sampsa, what makes someone sceptics (besides the problems from the point of 
view from theosophical teachings as de Purucker once declared about moon 
flights) is that they constantly spread new lies to cover old lies.

And I do research on aids, moon landing etc. since more than 20 years and 
have seen and heard a lot and met a lot of people.
One recent example.

Since years the moon landing believers say that from Earth you cannot see 
the landing spot and the devices because of the atmosphere on Earth.
The came the Hubble telescope.
Then they said it is not strong enough.

Jesco von Puttkamer in July 2009 suddenly shows off the Apollo protestants 
and declares in German tv that one can see from the Earth the landing spot 
and the devices left on the moon!

I wrote a reader's letter as I often do and kindly asked for details.

I've received the same answer I receive since twenty years from government, 
authorities and institutions: blablabla, blind believe, but no dteails, no 

Perhaps someone here has an working address of von Puttkamer, I would like 
to ask him directly for more details. Thank you.


----- Original Message ----- 
From: sampsakuukasjarvi
Sent: Wednesday, September 02, 2009 3:07 PM
Subject: Theos-World Re: Faked moon landing? Update -- Shock in Amsterdam

  Cass, the last two letters of the link given by Frank didn't come properly 
so that they could connect to the site. It is Yahoo's fault. The technology 
of this forum is very old-fashioned. You can copy the link (with last two 
letters) and paste it into your browser's site row. Then it works.

I believe Frank is right in his suspicion. There is something strange in how 
a lot of evidence about Moon flights has disappered. We can google "moon 
hoax" and see that the internet is full of sceptical information about Moon 
flights. Here is just one conspiracy site:

(And again, if the url doesn't work, you can copy the address and paste it 
into browser)

There is of course 360 kilos of real moon rocks on Earth, but sceptics say 
they are from meteors found in Antarctis or have been brought from Moon 
without astronauts...


--- In, "c.leest" <c.leest@...> wrote:
> Wha is fake, also this url is error, not to be find.
> Christina
> --- In, "Frank Reitemeyer" <ringding2009@> 
> wrote:
> >
> > Shock in Amsterdam Museum.
> >
> > The stone from the moon landing turns out a fake:
> >
> >
> >
> > First time in life I had serious doubts about accepted Western academic
> > dogmas like virusses, inocculation, vivisection or moon landings after
> > studying Blavatsky commentator and successor Gottfried de Purucker. 
> > After
> > this initiation I made in-depth studies. Today the picture about the 
> > common
> > conspiracy is quite clear.
> >
> > Interesting, that the biggest German newspaper prints the demand for
> > research of all alleged moon stones.
> >
> > Theosophists should make inquiries that also research should be made on:
> >
> > - the original Apollo films
> > - the original Apollo devices
> > - the original Apollo space suits
> >
> > Bear in mind, that all films, devices, space suits etc. Nasa shows since 
> > 40
> > years in museums, exhibitions, are NOT original, but "reconstructions".
> >
> > I for one write oftren readers letters and inquiries to authorities. It 
> > is
> > most interesting, what can turn out with this letters over the years.
> >
> > In the early 1980'ies I supported an Aids critical group, who demanded
> > proofs that
> > the HIV virus exists and that this virus is responsible for a bulk of 30
> > ordinary ilnesses. Billions of dollars "science" has sucked out this 
> > then
> > from the taxpayers with no result until now...
> >
> > But end of the 1980'ies my search for truth was rewarded as I came to
> > theosophy and with theosophy came the most needed answers for many 
> > lifelong
> > bruning questions.
> >
> > But what of the burning questions of TODAY?
> > What about the suffering of the billions of innocent people TODAY?
> >
> > Since 100 years the ULT sows doubt about the Masters of Wisdom and Their
> > messengers.
> >
> > The ULT teaches the heresy that each theosophist can find the truth for
> > him/her/it alone.
> >
> > But since 100 years fails to give proofs in form of answers to burning
> > questions.
> >
> > Theosophists should also ask the ULT about the theosophical position to
> > themes like virusses, moon landings etc.
> >
> > BTW, the moon stone is not the only fake on historical matters in
> > Amsterdam...
> >
> > "License history" as KH would say ("Five years of Theosophy", p. 326).
> >
> > Frank
> >



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