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Feb 16, 2010 04:50 AM
by Martin

----- Forwarded Message ----
From: Martin <>
To: preethi muthiah <>
Sent: Tue, February 16, 2010 1:49:50 PM
Subject: Re: PRIVATE

Hi all,
This world is too personal and extreme, therefore I urge all to become silent and let the storm pass over...hahahaha, ow btw, I am not in charge :-)


From: preethi muthiah <>
To: Preethi Muthiah <>
Sent: Tue, February 16, 2010 1:05:19 PM
Subject: Fw: PRIVATE

Hi all,

I received the following message from MK Ramadoss on my private email...and I have not been able to either post this message or any other on TheosTalk today. If you never hear from me on TheosTalk, please do know it is not because I am dead, but because I am being forced into silence...only on TheosTalk.

In fact, if you could post this message in all on TT, that would be great...provided of course that MKR lets it out...



--- On Tue, 16/2/10, MKR <> wrote:

>From: MKR <>
>Subject: PRIVATE
>To: "preethi muthiah" <>
>Date: Tuesday, 16 February, 2010, 10:08 AM
>PrivateDear Preethi: 
>Theos-talk was setup several years ago by Eldon Tucker and it has proved to be an invaluable Internet forum for theosophists world-wide. 
>Eldon has been semi-retired and not really following day-to-day messages nor doing much of the administrative work. 
>In the circumstances, I have been following the messages and doing the administrative work. For all practical purposes, I am in charge at this time.
>Your message postings have been getting too personal and extreme and I suggest you should consider the subject closed. I hope you would see this is reasonable and your cooperation would be appreciated.
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[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

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