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Re: Theos-World Re: Copyright and some of the messages on theos-talk

Apr 16, 2010 09:12 PM
by MKR

Everyone should be law abiding as for copyright and every other issue and I
never suggested that anyone should break any laws.

At the same time, it is necessary to understand how to work within the law
and yet make our comments and opinions known world-wide without breaking the

In my msg, I was also bringing attention to the fact how, from time to time,
copyright law was misused attempting to suppress unfavourable or
embarrassing material, usually political in nature, from coming out in the
open. This is done by many people and theosophists are not exempt -- should
we remind the famous comment in one of the Masterâs letters that the human
nature is the same everywhere. If we are careful about what we write in
private, then any disclosure is not going to hurt the writer or writerâs
reputation. Of course many have learnt the bitter lesson by personal


On Fri, Apr 16, 2010 at 9:25 PM, <>wrote:

> Copyright (so on) laws; these matters do seem to come up every couple of
> years. I think in part it is simply because many people are unfamiliar with
> the publishing industry a/o its actual and accountable standards.
> Still, it is not reasonable to skirt these laws nor is it reasonable to
> encourage or condone the use of other people's property without their
> permission - in addition, such intent or types of activities, theft,
> plagiarism, piracy and infringement, for example, could hardly be reasoned
> as an advancement for or activity towards Universal Brotherhood.
> He asked for your permission, that is correct; which is hardly a platform
> to suggest that these laws should (or do) somehow work otherwise.
> --- In <>, MKR
> <mkr777@...> wrote:
> >
> > Copyright and some of the messages on theos-talk
> >
> > A theosophist from Europe, while privately discussing theosophy on
> Internet,
> > made a comment that they would like to use some of my messages in their
> > local language sites and was concerned about copyright issue.
> >
> > Copyright is owned by the person who wrote the material. Its purpose is
> > primarily to protect the commercial use of the material by someone else
> to
> > make a profit, thus depriving the earnings that are due to the copyright
> > holder. Of course, anyone can quote from any copyrighted material as part
> of
> > a critique. You can Google and understand the various issues surrounding
> > copyright.
> >
> > I clarified that any and all postings of mine on theos-talk can be used
> by
> > anyone in any manner without worrying about copyright. I would like to
> see
> > the material broadcast as widely as possible since the messages are meant
> to
> > further the welfare of everyone.
> >
> > In the past, we have seen copyright principle mis-used by people trying
> to
> > suppress information that may be damaging to their reputation or suppress
> > politically sensitive information, which may have nothing to do with the
> > commercial side of the copyright protection.
> >
> > Theosophists are not an exception to this. More educated one is, more
> likely
> > to (mis)use the copyright club, which generally does not help in the long
> > run. Any material put in writing is bound to come out sooner or later and
> > can bite the bottom of the writer to his/her embarrassment.
> >
> > As this issue may be in the minds of readers, especially in other
> countries,
> > I thought to share the above.
> >
> >
> > MKR
> >
> > There is no religion higher than Truth
> >
> >
> > [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
> >

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

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