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Re: Theos-World Blavatsky and Nazism

Jun 14, 2010 08:56 AM
by M. Sufilight

Thanks MKR

My views are:

This made me react and try to just one more time get an response from the honourable leaders of the TS about the follownig views...

Carlos wrote:
"7) You fail to see that Helena Blavatsky did not engage in any anti-British Movement or pro-Indian Independence Movement,  and that even the Theosophical Society (Adyar) was pro-British during the Second World War, not to mention all the other branches of the Movement; "

M. Sufilight says:
This I write the following...
What Carlos seem to fail seeing is, that Blavatsky and the Theosophical Society was against any kind of political involvement.
Try The theosophical Constitution and Statutes given in The Theosophist - January 1891. And also the ORIGINAL PROGRAM MANUSCRIPT, written 1886 in BCW, Vol. VII, p. 145. Both of them are clearly against political involvement. H. S. Olcott wrote against political involvement of the T.S. members in 1882.

. In the very first number of the first volume of the magazine, The Theosophist, that for October 1879, in the article "What Are the Theosophists?" (reprinted in U.L.T. Pamphlet No. 22) we find the following from H. P. blavatsky:

  "Unconcerned about politics; hostile to the insane dreams of Socialism and of Communism, which it abhors-as both are but disguised conspiracies of brutal force and sluggishness against honest labour; the Society cares but little about the outward human management of the material world. The whole of its aspirations are directed towards the occult truths of the visible and invisible worlds. Whether the physical man be under the rule of an empire or a republic, concerns only the man of matter. His body may be enslaved; as to his Soul, he has the right to give to his rulers the proud answer of Socrates to his Judges. They have no sway ove the inner man. "

In the Supplement to The Theosophist for July 1883 can be found a very important pronouncement by Col. H. S. Olcott, the co-founder and President of the Theosophical Society, against mixing Theosophy and politics. This statement, which H.P.B. endorsed, reads:
"That our members, and others whom it interests, may make no mistake as to the Society's attitude as regards Politics, I take this occasion to say that our Rules, and traditional policy alike, prohibit every officer and fellow of the Society, AS SUCH, to meddle with political questions in the slightest degree, and to compromise the Society by saying that it has, AS SUCH, any opinion upon those or any other questions. The Presidents of Branches, in all countries, will be good enough to read this protest to their members, and in every instance when initiating a candidate to give him to understand-as I invariably do-the fact of our corporate neutrality. So convinced am I that the perpetuity of our Society depends upon our keeping closely to our legitimate province, and leaving Politics "severely alone," I shall use the full power permitted to me as President-Founder to suspend or expel every member, or even discipline or discharter any Branch which shall, by offending in this respect, imperil the work now so prosperously going on in various parts of the world."

This alone leads me to consider whether Olcot and Blavatsky would not have expelled Annie Besant and perhaps even the present day Theosophical Society's leaders, because the do not in any clear manner reject political involvement - and the present day Constitution and Statutes have deleted the paragraph saying:
1. Any Fellow who shall in any way attempt to involve the Society In political disputes shall be immediately expelled."
(The Constitution and Statutes, written in The Theosophist, Januar 1891)

As long as no member in TS Adyar will go forward and clearly exlpain why it has been necessary to deviate from the original programe with regard to politics during Annie Besants leadership, and during the present day leadership, I se no reason to join the TS, because then it must really be a carcass reasting on no solid grounds.

Silence is of course also an answer. 
And we ask in the name of compassion: Is this how you promulagte theosophy? When will you teach theosophy proper?


Carlos wrote:
"9) You fail to see that H.P.B.'s Theosophy is completely against any conception of a "unfailing leader", a concept which belongs to the Vatican, to Nazis, and to Fascists."

M. Sufilight says:
This I write the following...
I wonder if Carlos fails to see, that the present day TS does not clearly and visibly seem offer such a view to outsiders and potential members about J. Krishnamurti's role in the TS of the past and the present?

Well I found these question important to ask.
And one can only wonder whether the TS only promotes theosophy towards the Jews, and leave all honest Blavatskyan Theosophists in the cold.

M. Sufilight

  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: MKR 
  To: theos-talk 
  Sent: Monday, June 14, 2010 4:01 AM
  Subject: Theos-World Blavatsky and Nazism

  The subject of the influence of HPB's writing on Nazism has been discussed
  in the past in various forums.

  There is a very interesting discussion in a recent article at <> titled:

  'Message to an Author Who Did not Study Theosophy'. It is very well written
  and theosophists would find it interesting.


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[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]


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