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Re: theos-talk Re: Writing on the Wall for theosophists

Mar 20, 2012 03:58 PM
by MKR

Glad that at least one member here is supporting my viewpoint.

If TS were to do its duty - spread theosophy to the teeming masses - we
need leadership at the leading edge, not just going with the flow.

Changes are coming with or without organizations and leaders. Digital world
is a totally different environment. Power is shifting to individuals from
organizations and their money in the bank.

Entire last week there was a music festival in Austin, TX where 2,000 bands
from all over the world performed in 20,000 performances. Established well
funded music companies and producers found out that their money and power
meant nothing in the crowd of 2,000 bands and one news reporter commented
that in 2016 everyone with $29.99 will have their own recording studio and
just imagine how levelling digital technology is.

Either get on the band wagon or left behind in the lurch. The choice is
there and world will move ahead, as it has to.

On Tue, Mar 20, 2012 at 4:47 PM, vimal <> wrote:

> **
> Sir,
> Your viewpoint is correct and free internet availability of the important
> doctrines should be available along with better you-tube videos of
> insightful lectures, showing connections to today's developments in science
> and their correlation to theosophy.
> Theosophically society can only keep up with the world when we have a
> leader who can keep up with the world.
> A new form of presentation-wholly through visuals and audition on you-tube
> may be the first step.Which can be easily spread on socially interfaces
> like FB. This requires an understanding of WHAT THEOSOPHY HAS TO OFFER
> offer- can they be presented in clear logically terms, with relevance to
> todays level of scientific knowledge and understanding. Only a
> scientist/ethicist like einstein or of similar brilliant caliber ,can make
> such brilliant and insightful videos which can enthrall today's youth and
> set them on a better path of self-study and introspection. Unless the ideas
> of modern cosmology and science are well grasped and integrated into the
> ancient wisdom, the appeal to a normal intelligent youngster would be
> minimal. But think how the imagination will soar once such connections are
> made.
> Am sure this will happen. With or without the TS's help.
> Regards,
>, MKR <mkr777@...> wrote:
> >
> > Writing on the Wall
> >
> > In a recent news item that appeared in The Hindu, there was a projection
> > that young people will be in the majority in India and perhaps in other
> > countries as well.
> >
> > <>
> > <>
> > <><
> >
> > In the public lecture Professor Menon delivered at the last TS
> > International Convention at Adyar, he mentioned that his audience was 50+
> > and this is the first time he is addressing such an older audience. He
> is a
> > college professor and used to deal with young men and women. His comment
> is
> > telling about the current age group of thesophists.
> >
> > Future is not with the aging members even though many of them may be
> > believing they have all the wisdom as a result of theosophical studies.
> > Even in the last International Election, the two candidates were both
> > octogenarians and while much ado was made of the age of the sitting
> > president, the challenger has not been seen in any theosophical venues,
> and
> > one has to assume he is incapacitated.
> >
> > Theosophical movement launched in 1875 was not for the elite. It is for
> > everyone everywhere. So it is our duty to see the writing on the wall
> about
> > the younger generation and planning should be done in a hurry so that we
> > can offer theosophical philosophy for them.
> >
> > Today, in the digital age, Internet and digital medium are indispensable
> > both for the functioning of Governments world-wide and commerce and
> social
> > interaction. Just think what would be the consequences of Internet
> shutdown
> > for a couple of days. It is similar to shut down of electric utility.
> >
> > So if we want to present theosophy for the current young generation
> > world-wide, Internet and digital medium are the indispensable tools. It
> is
> > obvious that current theosophical leadership world-wide is either blind
> to
> > this fact or confused about how it can be used to further the interests
> of
> > thesosophy. This is obvious from two facts. We have seen any of the
> elected
> > leaders in Internet forums discussing and interacting with theosophical
> > enthusiasts. Secondly, the continued publication of pricey theosophical
> > publications very few can afford when digital pdf files can be generated
> at
> > no cost and made available to any student world-wide for free.
> >
> > Failing to see the clear writing on the wall can only doom the growth of
> > theosophical movement in the years to come. Failing to use the invaluable
> > opportunity provided by Internet and digital medium cannot but be great
> > failure of the duty of those whose job is to plan and expand theosophical
> > movement. Hope they will soon wake up.
> >
> > MKR
> >
> >
> > [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
> >

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

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