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Re: Theos-World Final Comments on what Ali writes about "Blavatsky versus Bailey on 'Christ' "

Mar 16, 2004 06:52 AM
by Ali Hassan

Subject: Re: Theos-World Final Comments on what Ali writes about "Blavatsky versus Bailey on 'Christ' "
Date: Tue, 16 Mar 2004 03:05:58 EST

Right on Daniel.

If and when that "Christ" spoken of by Bailey "appears in the flesh" and
brings the so called "new dispensation" -- I wonder if the only one's who believe
in him (and it) will be the British and American Christian Right that AAB
wrote to (including those who call themselves, theosophists), and whether all the
rest of the loyal HPB theosophists and other non-blind unbelievers, agnostics
and atheists would become subject to extermination of some sort, or just
"have to go, somehow," along with all the Hebrews who still insist on waiting for
their Messiah, the Muslims for their Mahdi, and the Buddhists for their

Isn't it a shame they missed the boat with Krishnamurti, and we have to wait
so long to find out? Very discouraging. It's like sitting on Death Row
waiting for the last appeal to run out. As a last resort for us heathens and
heretics, I hope the one they pick this next time is as wise as he was. But,
heaven's forbid, maybe they've already chosen that self proclaimed Maitreya guy
hanging out with Ben Creme, and they're waiting for the right time to put him up
as Director of the UN.
Fwiw, leon, I would agree with you and Daniel that Creme is a phony and his followers are deluded, and so have been those various 'messengers' (whose name is Legion) who have 'followed' Bailey and incorporated her teachings into their ( ) 'movements'...which is unfortunate since it tars a wonderful source of esoteric knowledge with the same brush as those imbeciles who profess to espouse it.



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