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Pedro on "Who dictated Alice Bailey's books?"

Mar 18, 2004 07:44 AM
by Daniel H. Caldwell


Thanks for your comments on Alice Bailey at:

Your points are well taken and Morten's reply does not
overturn anything you have written.

In one of his 1884 letters to Mr. Sinnett, Master KH wrote 
the following about Mrs. Laura C. Holloway:

"Her surexcited fancy, putting a mask on every stray spook, created 
the 'Student' and made him serve her purpose and desire. She believed 
in it sincerely. . . . Try to save 'Man' [a book wrote jointly by 
Mrs. Holloway and Mohini Chatterji] by looking it over with Mohini, 
and by erasing from it the alleged inspirations and dictation 
by 'Student.' . . . ."

Quoted from:

I belive this statement is also applicable to Alice Bailey.
Bailey's "surexcited fancy" created "DK" who then dictated
all those blue books. Bailey "believed in it sincerely."
Inquirers and students NOT YET ENSNARED by Bailey's claims 
would do well to completely avoid DK's "alleged inspirations 
and dictation" and instead study HPB's original writings.

Remember HPB's own advice in 1889 concerning other 
"garbled and distorted" teachings:

". . . A new and rapidly growing danger. . . is threatening . . . the 
spread of the pure Esoteric Philosophy and knowledge. . . . I 
allude to those charlatanesque imitations of Occultism and 
Theosophy. . . . By pandering to the prejudices of people, and 
especially by adopting the false ideas of a personal God and a 
personal, carnalized Saviour, as the groundwork of their teaching, 
the leaders of this 'swindle' (for such it is) are endeavoring to 
draw men to them and in particular to turn Theosophists from the true 

". . . A close examination will assuredly reveal. . . materials 
largely stolen . . . from Theosophical writings. . . [and] distorted 
and falsified so as to be palmed off on the unwary as revelations of 
new and undreamed of truths. But many will neither have the time nor 
the opportunity for such a thorough investigation; and before they 
become aware of the imposture they may be led far from the 
Truth. . . . Nothing is more dangerous to Esoteric Truth than the 
garbled and distorted versions disfigured to suit the prejudices and 
tastes of men in general." 
Quoted from: E.S. Instruction No. I., 1889. 


--- In, Pedro Oliveira <prmoliveira@y...> 
> It is a fact that Alice Bailey's books have inspired
> many people in the world. A reading of her "Unfinished
> Autobiography" shows that she was well read and
> eclectic in her approach to spirituality. But many of
> her claims contradict important principles of
> Theosophy as presented by HPB and her Teachers. What
> follows is a bird's eye view on the question: was the
> source of her teaching the one known in early
> theosophical literature as Djual Khool?
> In a paper dated August, 1943, entitled "My Work" by
> The Tibetan, the following statements, among many, are
> made. Comments and relevant quotations are in
> brackets.
> "Initiation, Human and Solar was intended to bring the
> fact of the Hierarchy to public attention." 
> (KH in his letter to Annie Besant (1900), wrote: "How
> few are they who can know anything about us. ...The
> cant about `Masters' must be silently but firmly put
> down. Let the devotion and service be to that Supreme
> Spirit alone of which each one is a part. Namelessly
> and silently we work and the continual references to
> ourselves and the repetition of our names raises up a
> confused aura that hinders our work…" Why on earth
> would the Brotherhood of Adepts need to attract
> attention? If Bailey's "Tibetan" was indeed a disciple
> of KH, wouldn't he know this?)
> "The average psychic and medium is not usually of a
> high grade intelligence, and A.A.B. desired to prove
> (for the aiding of the work of the future) that one
> could do definitely psychic work and be of a real
> intelligence." 
> (This seems to indicate that hers was indeed a psychic
> work, and with all the risks that such a work entails,
> including unconscious projections of both mental and
> emotional contents.)
> "Then followed A Treatise on White Magic. This was
> written years ago and as it was written it went out,
> chapter by chapter, to the senior students of the
> Arcane School as reading matter only. It is the first
> book ever given out upon the training and control of
> the astral or emotional body." 
> (The preposterous nature and tone of the above
> statement speak for themselves. What about the
> Bhagavad Gita, the Dhammapada, the Lamrin Chenmo, the
> Tao-te-ching, the Cloud of Unknowing, etc, etc? Every
> great classic of world spirituality has addressed the
> very core of emotional self-culture. Would a Tibetan
> blatantly ignore his own cultural and religious
> heritage?!?)
> "A.A.B. started such a school in 1923 with the aid of
> F.B. and certain students of vision and spiritual
> understanding. She made it a condition that I should
> have nothing to do with the Arcane School and that I
> should have no control over its policies and
> curriculum. In this she was wise and right and I fully
> endorse her position."
> (Is it not surprising that a "Master of Wisdom" would
> submit himself to conditions determined by a disciple?
> Compare the above statement with the one by HPB when
> she launched the Esoteric Section (1888):
> "The real Head of the Esoteric Section is a Master, of
> whom H. P. Blavatsky is the mouthpiece for this
> Section. He is one of those Adepts referred to in
> theosophical literature, and concerned in the
> formation of the Theosophical Society. It is through
> H. P. Blavatsky that each member of this Section will
> be brought more closely than hitherto under His
> influence and care if found worthy of it. No student,
> however, need inquire which of the Masters it is. For
> it does not matter in reality; nor is there any
> necessity for creating one more chance for
> indiscretion. Suffice to say, such is the law in the
> East." 
> In her "Unfinished Autobiography", AAB makes not a few
> startling claims:
> "Another revolutionary thing that the Tibetan did was
> when He dictated the contents of A Treatise on Cosmic
> Fire. In this book He gave what H.P.B. prophesied He
> would give, the psychological key to cosmic creation.
> H.P.B. stated that in the 20th century a disciple
> would come who would give information concerning the
> three fires with which The Secret Doctrine deals:
> electric fire, solar fire and fire by friction. This
> prophecy was fulfiled when A Treatise on Cosmic Fire
> was given out to the public." (chapter 6)
> (Where in HPB's writings is the "prophecy" by HPB that
> "the Tibetan" would give the psychological key to "The
> Secret Doctrine" and/or info on the "three fires"? Has
> anyone found it?)  
> "...we were a school for training people to be
> "accepted disciples" - that is, those on the last
> stages of the probationary path and that our emphasis
> was impersonality and mental development. I added that
> we made our work deliberately eliminative, only
> keeping those who would really work hard and who
> showed signs of true mental culture. I told him that
> we dropped hundreds of the emotional, devotional
> type..." (chapter 5)
> (If "esoteric" means that which concerns the inner
> realities of life and the human being, it is curious
> to find out by its founder herself, that the Arcane
> School (AS) focuses on mental development, inspite of
> its claim to be a initiatory school. But it is
> disturbing to know from AAB's own pen that the AS was
> in the business of "dropping" people off because they
> were "emotional, devotional" types! The Raja Yoga
> method applied by HPB to her esoteric students seems
> much more balanced, safe and effective. And unlike
> AAB, HPB didn't drop her students. On the contrary,
> some of her students dropped her! This last statement
> by Bailey is evidence enough for me that no real
> Master of the Wisdom and Compassion was associated
> with her writings.) 

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